MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 08/13/2024

Application of Forecasted and Real-time Ambient Adjusted Ratings RSC-2018-54A

2020 2021 2022 2023
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Improved utilization of the existing transmission system by facilitating the systematic input of transmission ratings into MISO EMS and market applications based on actual or forecasted conditions.

This issue was initially submitted by WEC Energy Group in 2016.

The IMM update to this issue is driven by significant unrealized annual benefits from increased use of Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AARs) well in excess of $100 Million/Year (See SOM Recommendation 2015-2). To fully realize these benefits, the IMM suggests MISO needs to support TOs in identifying and providing AARs in the real-time and day-ahead. This support is encompassed in five areas (more information in the attached IMM issue submission).

1. System Flexibility

2. Forecasted Ratings

3. Limiting Elements

4. Times for Post-Contingent Actions and Emergency Ratings

More granular transmission ratings can increase reliability specifically under conditions where the real time temperature and wind speed data suggests that predictive or dynamic ratings should be lower than static ratings. When evaluating Open Project proposals for robustness, consideration should be given to the use of monitoring equipment, software, etc. that enable utilizing dynamic or predictive ratings. There are many conditions where the planning criteria that set the limits of the transmission system are not reflective of the conditions experienced in operations. Under most conditions, utilizing dynamic transmission ratings would greatly increase the transmission capability for use in the near-term operations of the Real-Time market. In near term horizons (applies to both RT and DA markets), predictive limits could be used that are based on anticipated ambient conditions. MISO has developed an application that provides more options for Transmission Owners to submit facility ratings for use in real-time and future study applications.


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