MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 10/08/2024

Consolidated Transmission Planning (fka IR090) PAC-2020-4

2021 2022
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Develop a process by which MISO consolidates, to the maximum extent possible, the transmission needs identified as the basis for smaller projects in Appendices A and B as well as the needs driving the advanced projects in the interconnection queue to develop larger, more comprehensive projects that would meet the needs for the smaller projects in a more cost effective way. Additionally, if the TO’s also provided lists of other transmission assets that were nearing the end of their useful lives and in-need of a rebuild say within 10 or 20 years, MISO could incorporate those needs within the same process. In short, MISO should be planning for the consolidated needs of the projects specified under the bottom up approach as is required under Attachment FF. The result could be a system that more efficiently meets the various needs on the system and is also more capable of timely accepting proposed interconnections and thereby providing more energy choices for utilities and consumers.

 This issue will be taken up as it relates to Issue PAC005 - Coordinated Planning Process, and discussed in the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) following further progress on the Long Range Transmission Planning (LRTP) effort.

The issue was submitted by Sustainable FERC Project January 2020.

Formerly called Issue IR090.


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