MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 08/07/2024

Enhanced Hybrid Resource Participation Model (fka IR087) MSC-2020-3

2023 2024
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Hybrid resources operate storage with a generation source as a single plant (e.g. solar + storage). This issue is comprised of specific recommendations from the Energy Storage Task Force (ESTF) that fall beyond the minimum viable subset needed to create an initial market participation model. These issues are contingent upon the completion of IR086. This issue is comprised of the following recommendations from the ESTF.

•#7: How will MISO’s market engine be able to optimize commitment and dispatch and how will performance be evaluated?
•#11: Must offer requirements however must be amended to allow the stand alone energy storage and/or the hybrid to set the available hours for the must offer (with review) based upon the design and capabilities of the hybrid and/or storage resource. The current must offer in the tariff is not achievable. The capability of the hybrid is a component of the capacity it should be awarded.
•#13: Determining the Unit State may require a new type of state to be defined. This topic requires more discussion and education of hybrid capabilities vs current determination of intermittent resources.
•#21: Allow asset owners to choose which asset registration type best matches the characteristics of their Generation Facility. Allow asset owners to switch between registration types to the extent the technology is capable on a defined periodicity.

(Issue number formerly IR087)


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