MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 12/02/2022

Improve the Modeling of Transmission Constraints in the PRA RASC-2021-2

2021 2022
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


In its 2015 SOM Report the IMM recommended that MISO improve the modeling of transmission constraints in the PRA under Recommendation 2015-6.  Our recommendation is that MISO add transmission constraints to its auction model as needed to address potential simultaneous feasibility issues and to reflect the differing impact of zonal resources on these regional constraints.  For relevant internal constraints, MISO should establish shift factors that define how each internal and external zone affects each constraint.  Ultimately, this is a very simple version of a constrained optimal dispatch (much simpler than MISO’s energy market).  Importantly, it would allow MISO to procure planning resources that respect and price its regional constraints rather than running its simultaneous feasibility testing model (SFT) as a post processor after the PRA auction has been conducted.

MISO has agreed and indicated that further evaluation is required to determine solutions and to integrate and prioritize it with other initiatives.   Accordingly, the IMM decided is now submitting it to the IR for further consideration and prioritization. 


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