MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 12/16/2022

System Needs for Universal Participation Model IR082


A Universal Participation Model (UPM) is a concept that is flexibly defined and would eliminate the need for technology-specific generator models, and therefore remove barriers to ongoing innovation and participation in the market by all resource types. For example, instead of defining additional new resource models like the Storage Participation Model required under Order 841, the UPM would identify all of the capabilities and constraints that matter to system operators rather than having each source try to fit into standard generator models.  Then the market participant could input their resource specific parameters to immediately offer the new capabilities of their resource to MISO. In this way, the UPM would be the mechanism by which any resource technically capable can participate. This should allow all resources types, on the demand and supply side, and combinations thereof, that are capable of providing the products and services to do so.  Such a technology-neutral approach should drive towards the most cost effective method of acquiring what is needed to ensure reliable electricity service to customers. Building off of the work required for compliance with Order 841, the UPM would enable generation, load, and even some transmission resources (HVDC) to provide any of the services they are technically capable of providing in the MISO market. Importantly, the UPM alleviates the need to develop new participation models for every new technology that wants to participate.

By taking a step back, considering all the parameters needed for the efficient participation of all resources, building those into a single model, then allowing each resource to identify the parameters it is capable of for market participation, substantial efficiencies can be achieved in market enhancements in the long-term both in terms of money and time saved on market software changes. A UPM should enable new technologies to participate in the MISO market much more rapidly than they are able to today. The parameters to be considered should include, but not be limited to, capacity, capability ranges, rates, limits, operating constraints and operating interactions. This approach would result in market offers that characterize the full capabilities of every resource on a comparable basis.

MISO’s ongoing work on the Energy Storage Resource participation model is a good place to start conceptualizing the UPM because it is the most comprehensive model being developed currently, allowing storage assets to provide all market products through both injection and withdrawal.

Starting these discussions now, MISO and stakeholders should be engaged in an ongoing effort to explore and scope the system requirements that will be needed to ensure that MISO’s markets are ready to provide the needed flexibility and reliability in the future system. This should inform MISO’s work on the Market System Enhancement so that it can be built in such a way that it can accommodate needed changes in the future. In addition, before a UPM can be fully implemented, MISO can take steps to adopt individual essential reliability services into its existing market.


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