MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 02/07/2025

Sharing and Coordinating MTEP and DPP to Accommodate Large Loads PAC-2024-7


There is difficulty coordinating models and processes; for both GI and MTEP (load addition) processes, the lack of coordination between the two can make generation and load additions uneconomic, thereby delaying or deterring otherwise viable project development. These processes should be amended as needed to better align information-sharing and incentives for load and generation interconnections that have not completed their processes and affect the progress of each other.

This issue is a more generalized version of the interconnection timing issue submitted by NextEra and aims to improve in aggregate the modeling of incrementally large load additions and generator additions that are individually and independently seeking to interconnect and not necessarily commercially related. To address both issues, MISO should coordinate different processes with different time frames to better match reasonably expected load and generation additions.

This issue is not meant to replace, amend, or criticize existing load forecasts or load forecasting processes in transmission planning; instead, it is meant to address situations in which new information about expected incrementally large load additions could and should be used to facilitate more generator interconnection. In turn, that would help motivate new generators to better site relative to expected large load additions.


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