MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 09/05/2024

Uninstructed Deviation Enhancement Flag MSC-2024-7

2024 2025
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


The increasing difference in magnitude between modeled flows in Unit Dispatch System (UDS) and actual flows is resulting in System Operating Limit (SOL) violations, balancing issues and frequency deviations. Out-of-market actions by operators to address these issues are causing MISO to deviate from market design principles.  The goal of this particular project is to create two new data fields in Day Ahead/Real Time (DART) and add them to the Integrated Control Center Communications Protocol (ICCP).  These new data fields will indicate conditions in which a resource is being dispatched.  This is one of four focus areas in the overall effort to decrease the gap between modeled and actual flows.


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