Customer Readiness Symposium (CRS)

Mission Statement

The Customer Readiness Symposium (CRS) provides a look into the future of MISO’s applications, projects and services. Stakeholders are invited to hear from MISO subject matter experts about upcoming changes and initiatives that will impact external users, as well as where to go to learn more. The goal of the CRS is to equip customers with the awareness and tools they need to prepare for, easily use and seamlessly adopt MISO products.

Meeting List

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Meeting Materials

More Information

What is the Customer Readiness Symposium (CRS)? 
The CRS is designed to provide MISO stakeholders with information from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to assist in implementing upcoming changes and initiatives that will impact them. These initiatives and changes have come out of stakeholders' entities and are now in the implementation stage.   
When does the CRS take place? 
CRS meetings will take place four times a year, once a quarter. Information is available through the MISO website.
Is the CRS virtual? 
Yes, it is via Webex only. 
What can I expect at this meeting? Will I be able to ask questions during it? 
During the meeting, you will hear from MISO subject matter experts about upcoming changes and initiatives that will impact external users, as well as where you can go to learn more. 

You will not be able to ask questions during the meeting. Instead, information will be provided during each presentation about where to direct your questions. You will be given an opportunity to provide feedback through the CRS survey, which will be shared via a QR code during the meeting and via a link after the meeting.
What topics are going to be covered during the CRS?  
Processes and changes that will affect external customers. The CRS page on the MISO website will provide an agenda before the meeting advising which topics will be covered.
How is this meeting different from workshops on specific initiatives? 
CRS is a high-level meeting where MISO SMEs cover the value of the current initiative, transparency on how it’s going, and how to stay engaged through the process for a seamless transition. It focuses on MISO’s applications, projects and services in the implementation phase and near-public release. This meeting is in addition to and outside of our normal governed stakeholder meetings.
Who can I contact with questions?
Contact MISO Client Services and Readiness by phone: 1-866-296-6476  (option 3) -  Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m ET.

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