During the August 30, 2021 Distributed Energy Resources Task Force (DERTF) meeting, MISO discussed modification of resources in an Aggregation. Stakeholder feedback is requested on aligning aggregation changes to topology model updates.
Please provide feedback by September 15.
MISO’s recommendation to use a 4x/year cadence in allowing DERAs to modify the DERs in which make up a DERa may need additional to support on why it cannot be more frequent at this time. If there are reasons for the infrequent cadence, beyond what was provided in the slide presentation, explanation to the DER TF would be useful. Regardless, a clear plan and dates for allowing more frequent updates once the Model Manager is up and running (post 2022) should be documented in the filing to FERC. This feedback does not constitute a position of the OMS Board of directors.
OMS assumes that limiting updates to only 4 times a year is likely driven by the level and specificity of data MISO will require from DERAs on the individual DERs within each aggregation. It is likely that DERs, and DERAs, will be seeking maximum flexibility in their participation. The more flexibility MISO can provide, the higher chance this product will be used. Potential modifications to a DERA’s aggregation may be minimal and creative approaches that maximize flexibility while ensuring reliability is key and should be encouraged.
The OMS DER WG appreciates the benefits of allowing a modification to an existing DERA registration in lieu of DERA re-registration. However, the OMS DER WG understands the 4x/year update frequency to DERs in a DERA, may not be sufficient for DERAs and a more frequent update cadence may be necessary to truly enable a useable DER product. A less frequent update (4x/year) may be useful at the onset to allow streamlining of the coordination aspects, but it must be followed with an intentional and planned timeframe for improvements to the updated cadence. The OMS DERWG appreciates MISO’s goal to eventually allow updates 8x a year or monthly (Slide 84) and encourages MISO to include these milestones and timeline in its compliance filing.
DTE is pleased to provide the following feedback on various aspects of MISO’s latest filing framework for compliance with Order 2222. Our full response will be provided via attachment.
Alliant Energy is comfortable with MISO's proposal regarding aligning DER aggregation changes to topology model updates (proposed to be quarterly). In the future, MISO can consider with stakeholders the need and ability to increase this frequency.
Advanced Energy Management Alliance (“AEMA”) [1] respectfully submits the following comments to the MISO Distributed Energy Resource Task Force (“DERTF”) on the feedback request made by MISO at the August 30, 2021, meeting of the DERTF.[2] AEMA is a trade association under Section 501(c)(6) of the Federal tax code whose members include national distributed energy resource companies and advanced energy management service and technology providers, including demand response (“DR”) providers, as well as some of the nation’s largest demand response and distributed energy resources. AEMA members support the beneficial incorporation of distributed energy resources (“DER” or “DERs”), including advanced energy management solutions, into wholesale markets as a means to achieving electricity cost savings for consumers, contributing to system reliability, and ensuring balanced price formation. These comments represent the collective consensus of AEMA as an organization, although they do not necessarily represent the individual positions of the full diversity of AEMA member companies.
In the August 30 meeting of the DERTF, MISO stated that it intends to only allow aggregators of DERs to change the makeup of their aggregation, e.g., adding or removing individual distributed energy resources when topology model updates are made (four times per year). AEMA does not support MISOs plan for limiting the opportunities for DERAs to make modifications to the resources in their aggregation and would request MISO to consider the following.
In addition to the stated feedback, AEMA would like to request that MISO clarify whether the MISOs proposed “Groups/Sub-Groups” of DERs that comprise a DERa would be added/subtracted using this same modification procedure. For example, would a DERA with an existing DERa that wanted to add a resource type/group that is not currently part of the DERa use this same process to add the new DER(s) and DER Sub-Group?
AEMA appreciates MISO’s consideration of these comments as part of the Order 2222 compliance approach being discussed in the DERTF. We welcome any questions, and encourage you to contact either Katherine Hamilton, Executive Director of AEMA, or DeWayne Todd, representative of AEMA, should you wish to discuss with AEMA members.
Respectfully Submitted,
Katherine Hamilton
Executive Director, Advanced Energy Management Alliance
DeWayne Todd
WPPI supports MISO’s proposal to align changes in a DER aggregation with topology model updates, which is currently four times per year. It seems logical to group changes in a DER aggregation with topology model updates, it avoids introducing another set of due dates, and it provides for updates on a relatively frequent basis.
In response to MISO’s questions concerning modification to list of DERs in an aggregation under FERC Order 2222 as presented in the August 30, 2021 DERFT meeting, The Entergy Operating Companies ("EOCs")[1] offer the following comments.
How often can aggregators change the makeup of their aggregation; e.g., adding or removing individual distributed energy resources? 1. Aligned with topology model updates (4x/year); 2. Aligned with topology and non-topology updates (8x/year); 3. Monthly (12x/year); 4. Annually (1x/year)?
The EOC’s agree with MISO’s proposal, that given the choices above, that an aggregator should be able to update the list of individual Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in their aggregation on a quarterly basis in conjunction with topology model updates. This quarterly timing strikes an appropriate balance for all involved. This approach would also benefit from aligning with other MISO processes, models, and expectations of other resources.
The EOCs appreciate the opportunity to provide input.
[1] The Entergy Operating Companies are Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, and Entergy Texas, Inc.