IPWG: DPP Study Schedule Update Enhancements re: Affected System Status Information (20211109)

Item Expired

In the November 9, 2021 meeting of the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG) stakeholders were invited to submit feedback on how to improve DPP Schedule Update enhancements regarding affected system status descriptions.

MISO would like to obtain feedback on what additional information may be included as part of the schedule update or supplemental material (e.g., Affected System queue priority, Affected System partners in each study cycle/phase, etc.).

Please provide feedback by December 14, 2021.

Submitted Feedback

Great River Energy appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on this feedback request. We would like encourage MISO to consider providing more information on Affected System queue studies. We like the examples that MISO provided with the feedback request, like queue priority, Affected System partners in each study cycle/phase, schedule update and any other information that will provide later queue cycles with helpful information. 

Thank you.

Angela Maiko



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