In the May 25 meeting of the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG), stakeholders were invited to send feedback and any additional questions regarding FERC Order 2222.
Comments are due by June 15.
Transmission Owner Sector Feedback on FERC Order 2222
June 15, 2021
In the May 25, 2021 meeting of the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG), stakeholders were invited to send feedback regarding MISO’s Conceptual Framework for interconnection of studies that are needed in the implementation of FERC Order 2222, and any additional questions regarding the Order. The Transmission Owners Sector appreciates the opportunity to comment and provides the feedback below for MISO’s consideration.
1) It should be clearly stated in the Conceptual Framework that the EDC has the sole jurisdiction to approve these distribution level requests. Regardless of Order 2222, EDCs must coordinate with the local TO to evaluate the potential for distribution-interconnected resources to inject power onto the transmission system. However, once EDC and TO studies determine that there is a potential for backfeed onto transmission, and the Transmission Owner has notified MISO of that potential, it is MISO that must evaluate whether an affected system study is necessary and if it so, study the impacts of the potential injection. The presentation appears to suggest (on slide 6) that the TO would perform the transmission system impact studies if they are needed, but under the Transmission Owners Agreement, MISO is the entity with the authority to assess the impact of injections on the transmission facilities of its Transmission Owning Members. Additionally, it is assumed that these studies, like traditional Affected System Studies, would be performed using MISO’s models rather than Transmission Owner models, which do not include details regarding MISO’s neighboring transmission systems.
2) Any resources connected to the distribution system, independent of whether it is labeled as DER, LMR, BTMG, etc., that has potential for backfeed should always trigger an evaluation by MISO as relative to the potential impacts to the transmission system. The Owners note that the need for an Affected System Study may be triggered by a single DER with the potential to inject onto the transmission system or by the total potential output of DERs participating in MISO’s wholesale markets behind a single EPNode (assuming that MISO establishes the EPNode at the Transmission/Distribution interface for DERaggregations). Notably, this may change based on the composition of aggregation(s) behind that node, so Affected System Studies should be performed not only periodically, but also if the EDC has determined that the potential for reverse power flow has changed, based on DERaggregation participation at an individual EPNode, along with the total levels of Demand Response and DERs behind that EPNode.
DTE Energy appreciates this opportunity to provide feedback on MISO’s initial strawman for the interconnection of DERs under Order 2222. DTE is supportive of several aspects of MISO’s proposal, particularly the deference to state-level processes for distribution-level interconnection as well as the identification of EDC interconnection approval as a prerequisite for wholesale aggregation registration. There are other aspects of MISO’s proposal and the accompanying discussion which merit clarification, which are identified by page number in the discussion below.
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Advanced Energy Management Alliance
MISO Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG)
“FERC Order 2222 – MISO Proposal” Feedback
June 15, 2021
Advanced Energy Management Alliance (“AEMA”) [1] respectfully submits the following comments to the MISO Interconnection Process Working Group (“IPWG”) on the proposal for addressing Order 2222 implications to the MISO Interconnection Process as presented at the May 25, 2021, meeting of the IPWG. AEMA is a trade association under Section 501(c)(6) of the Federal tax code whose members include national distributed energy resource companies and advanced energy management service and technology providers, including demand response (“DR”) providers, as well as some of the nation’s largest demand response and distributed energy resources. AEMA members support the beneficial incorporation of distributed energy resources (“DER” or “DERs”), including advanced energy management solutions, into wholesale markets as a means to achieving electricity cost savings for consumers, contributing to system reliability, and ensuring balanced price formation. These comments represent the collective consensus of AEMA as an organization, although they do not necessarily represent the individual positions of the full diversity of AEMA member companies.
In the proposal from the May 24 IPWG, MISO presented a set of principles for DER aggregation interconnection, stating the following:
Based upon the outline given by MISO staff and discussion within the IPWG, AEMA is supportive of the proposal made by MISO. The interconnection of a DER should be handled through the appropriate distribution level interconnection process, as stated by MISO. At no point should resources connecting at the Distribution level be required to enter the MISO Interconnection process and queue which is intended for Transmission level resources.
The purpose of FERC Order 2222 is to facilitate the participation of aggregations of already connected DER assets within wholesale markets, eliminating barriers to market participation. Given that DERs are already interconnected through appropriate processes within the EDC and/or RERRA, MISO should only be focused on confirming that the DERs followed the appropriate process. The aggregation of DERs is not a new asset connecting to the system but an aggregation of already interconnected assets. Therefore, AEMA believes that the proposal by MISO, to not be directly involved in the interconnection of DERs and to not require DERAs registering to participate in the market to follow MISO interconnection processes is reasonable, does not create additional barriers to participation, and meets the intent of FERC Order 2222.
As MISO begins examining the threshold for affected systems studies and the timing and frequency of those studies, we encourage MISO to set a reasonable threshold and set the frequency of the studies to no less than quarterly.
AEMA appreciates MISO’s consideration of these comments as part of the Order 2222 compliance approach being discussed in both the DERTF and the IPWG. We welcome any questions, and encourage you to contact either Katherine Hamilton, Executive Director of AEMA, or DeWayne Todd, representative of AEMA, should you wish to discuss with AEMA members.
Respectfully Submitted,
Katherine Hamilton
Executive Director, Advanced Energy Management Alliance
DeWayne Todd
Entergy Operating Company Feedback on Order 2222 Interconnection Requirements
June 15, 2021
In the May 25, 2021 meeting of the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG), MISO invited stakeholders to provide feedback on MISO’s Conceptual Framework for DER interconnection of studies needed for the implementation of FERC Order 2222, along with any additional questions regarding the Order. The Entergy Operating Companies (Entergy) appreciates the opportunity to comment and provides the feedback below for MISO’s consideration.
Per MISO, a DER or DERa will not be required to enter the MISO queue, but their participation in MISO’s wholesale markets will require coordination, and MISO has requested input on the following aspects of this coordination:
Each of these item is addressed in the feedback below.
1. Threshold for affected systems study – Entergy agrees with MISO’s current practice of requiring Transmission Owners to notify MISO of the potential for any backfeed to the transmission system in order for MISO to determine whether an affected system study is needed.
2.. Timing and frequency of studies –
3. Coordinating study assumptions and results
Response of Illinois Commerce Commission Staff to MISO IPWG Feedback Request
In the May 25 meeting of the MISO Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG), stakeholders were invited to send feedback and any additional questions regarding FERC Order 2222. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) Staff is offering the following feedback on MISO’s May 25, 2021 presentation on distributed energy resource aggregator (DERA) interconnection framework under Order 2222:
At their core, the ICC Staff’s concerns are about standardization of the DERA interconnection process. In order to facilitate DERA interconnections, a clear and sensible process is necessary.
[1] MISO, “FERC Order 2222 – MISO Response,” Interconnection Process Working Group, May 25, 2021, p 6-7.