LOLEWG: Process and Cost Efficiency Effort (20210707)

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During the July 7 Loss of Load Expectation Working Group (LOLEWG) meeting, MISO proposed posting all LOLE model summary data for the following Planning Year LOLE analysis for stakeholder review instead of holding a LOLEWG meeting, in the interest of process and cost efficiency. MISO invited stakeholders to provide feedback on this proposal via the MISO Feedback Tool.

Comments due by July 21.


Submitted Feedback

 Consumers Energy appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback regarding LOLE Process and Cost Efficiency Effort.

Holding a LOLEWG meeting to present the LOLE model summary data for the following Planning Year LOLE analysis provides opportunity for stakeholders to get additional information or context from MISO in the verbal presentation of the Power Point slide deck that is shared and also provides opportunity for all attending stakeholders to hear questions and concerns from other stakeholders with regard to the data as presented.

Taking time up front to detail and clarify model assumptions and preliminary data should result in an analysis which better reflects understanding of the results that benefit all parties, saving the need for multiple rounds of piecemeal stakeholder questions and feedback for common questions easily covered during the course of said LOLEWG meeting.

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