MSC: Improving Access to Granular Forecasting Load Data (MSC-2021-12) (20211007)

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Energy Markets, Day-Ahead, Real-Time

During the October 7, 2021 Markets Subcommittee (MSC) meeting, the Coalition of MISO Transmission Customers (CMTC) provided a presentation on Improving Access to Granular Forecasting Load Data (MSC-2021-12).  Stakeholders were invited to provide comments on the presentation and discussion. 

Please provide feedback by October 21

Submitted Feedback

Consumers Energy appreciates the opportunity to provide comments regarding the stakeholder presentation to Improve Access to Granular Forecasting Load Data (MSC-2021-12).

This proposal merits additional MISO review and stakeholder discussion in a future MSC meeting if MISO's review results in a proposal to share specific information on a more granular level. If this information improves ability to better forecast weather or reliability, there may be merit to providing publicly, but certain information may be market-sensitive information at a local balancing authority level as mentioned in other stakeholder feedback on this topic.

MGE and MPPA support WPPI Energy's feedback.



David Sapper

Madison Gas and Electric Company (MGE) has concerns giving public access to confidential granular load forecast data as presented at the 7 Oct 2021 Market Subcommittee meeting.  The information requested is potentially market-sensitive information, particularly for one LSE / one utility LBAs. 

The examples of RTOs providing the type of granular load forecast information serve a primarily “deregulated” set of states and utilities.  MISO is primarily traditionally regulated and does not fit the same profile as the likes of either a PJM or a CAISO.  Thus, we see the comparison between what MISO should provide, and what types of granular data these types of RTOs provide, as comparing "apples to oranges."    We do not support the proposal.  At best to get to a more granular forecast than what is currently provided, and even this would still be problematic, would be to aggregate this data to the zonal level as some zones may only be served by one, maybe two, LSEs.  

DATE: OCTOBER 21, 2021

In response to MISO’s feedback request related to providing public access to more granular load forecast data as presented in the October 7, 2021 MSC meeting, The Entergy Operating Companies ("EOCs")[1] have concerns that this could lead to the sharing of potentially sensitive information that could be misused in the markets.  As such, the EOCs are not in support of this proposal. 

For this proposal to move forward, there would need be a clear demonstration that providing this information would result in improved reliability and improved market efficiencies as presented by the Coalition of MISO Transmission Customers (CMTC).  In addition, it would need to be clear that this information would not have the potential for any misuse.   

The EOCs appreciate the opportunity to comment.

[1] The Entergy Operating Companies are Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, and Entergy Texas, Inc.

It seems to WPPI that a stakeholder’s request for the 7-day hourly load forecast at the Local Balancing Authority Level to be publically available is a data request and, as such, would be handled by the Steering Committee. In any case, whether the data should be made publically available seems to hinge on whether doing so would violate MISO’s confidentiality requirements.

Related Materials

Supplemental Stakeholder Feedback

MISO Feedback Response