MSC: Load Forecasting Data (MSC-2021-12) (20211201)

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Related Entity(s):
Energy Markets, Day-Ahead

During the December 1, 2021 Markets Subcommittee (MSC) meeting, MISO discussed improving access to granular load forecasting data and recommended a balanced solution of 7-day load forecasting data at the subregional level.  MISO is requesting stakeholders provide feedback on preference between load forecast data at the subregional level or LRZ level.

Please provide feedback by December 15.

Submitted Feedback


In response to MISO’s feedback request related to providing public access to more granular load forecast data at the Sub-Regional or Local Resource Zone (LRZ) level, as presented in the December 1, 2021 MSC meeting, The Entergy Operating Companies ("EOCs")[1] agree with MISO that providing the information at the Sub-Regional level is a good compromise.  Providing this information at the LRZ level raises concerns that this could lead to the sharing of potentially sensitive information that could be misused in the markets.  As such, the EOCs are not in favor of providing LRZ level load forecast data. 

As previously stated in our October 21, 2021 feedback, there would need to be a clear demonstration that providing LRZ level information would result in improved reliability and improved market efficiencies as presented by the Coalition of MISO Transmission Customers (CMTC).  In addition, it would need to be clear that providing LRZ level information would not have the potential for any misuse.   

The EOCs appreciate the opportunity to comment.

[1] The Entergy Operating Companies are Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, and Entergy Texas, Inc.

Consumers Energy appreciates the opportunity to provide comments regarding the stakeholder presentation to Improve Access to Granular Forecasting Load Data (MSC-2021-12) and subsequent discussion from the December MSC meeting.

Consumers Energy supports MISO's proposal to provide access to granular forecasting load data at the sub-regional level.

As Madison Gas and Electric Company noted in their October feedback, there is concern that more public granular information at the zonal (LRZ) level provides potentially market-sensitive information for zones primarily served by one or two LSEs or LBAs rather than RTOs such as PJM or CAISO with more "deregulated" states or utilities as compared to MISO's current structure.

Re WPPI’s preference between load forecasts at the sub-regional vs. Local Resource Zone level: WPPI often accesses the Multi-day Operating Margin Forecast Data, which includes a 7-day load forecast at the sub-regional level. Although we don’t envision a need for a 7-day load forecast at the L RZ level (especially because it does not align with grid operations), in the interest of transparency, if other stakeholders are interested in load forecasts at the LRZ level, given they do not compromise confidentiality and it appears MISO can implement them relatively easily, we think MISO should provide LRZ level load forecasts as well.

Midwest Industrial Customers appreciate MISO's efforts to improve access to granular load forecasting data and recommend load forecast data at the LRZ level


Submitted by:

Kavita Maini

KM Energy Consulting, LLC


The Coalition of MISO Transmission Customers supports providing load data at the aggregated LRZ level.

Definitely at the LRZ level!

Related Materials

Supplemental Stakeholder Feedback

MISO Feedback Response