In the May 13, 2021 meeting of the Modeling Users Group, stakeholders were invited to submit feedback about the MOD-032-1 Manual update proposal.
Please provide feedback by May 31, 2021.
MOD-032 User Guide is the primary MOD-032 R1 compliance evidence. It is also a modeling resource for TOs and GOs for MOD-032 R2 compliance. Changing the title of the document away from MoD-032 may reduce the ability to locate future revisions for TP, TO, GO reference and compliance evidence. If MISO pursues a name change, MISO needs to make there is clear name documentation and linkage to the most recent revisions on the Compliance FAQs and MUG webpage.
During the TPL-001-5 preparation effort under the TOCTT run by Joe Reddoch it was discovered that there is a compliance gap regarding Single Point of Failure (SPF) responsibility. TPL-001-5 P5 contingencies and footnote 13 SPF compliance obligations rests solely with the TP and not the Protection System Owner (TO and GO). There are no NERC standards where this obligation is established. This is only a problem for the transmission and generation assets not owned by the TP’s compliance.
This gap can be closed with some small additions to the MOD-032 User’s Guide responsibility section (see attached redline of MOD-032 User’s Guide pg 1 and 2). By adding these two additional responsibilities, TOs and GOs will have a MOD-032 R2 compliance responsibility to identify SPF locations and develop the contingency definitions, including the complicated dynamic contingency sequencing for remote clearing.
Likewise, an addition to Section Protective Systems (pg 30) clarifies that the modeling of protection system operation for SPF rest with the TO and GO. Also, Section 4.4 Schedule clarifies that the SPF contingency definition are dues with the dynamic model data.
I appreciate consideration of these changes.
Data owners are responsible for maintaining the bus level voltage limits for their facilities in MOD. Data owners must provide: • Normal maximum voltage (pu) • Normal minimum voltage (pu) • Emergency (N-1) maximum voltage (pu) • Emergency (N-1) minimum voltage (pu)
It is our understanding that MISO's request to provide voltage limits within PSSE will replace the need for MISO to maintain subsystem files needed for future studies.
Ameren has approximately 1980 base case buses and another 194 buses added via future projects. To comply with the request Ameren would need to modify all the future MOD projects as well as provide an update to the base case. Ameren would prefer to provide the same .mon and .sub files which generally do not change as opposed initial work to comply with the request and the on-maintenance to provide the extra data on new future projects. It is much more efficient and less work for MISO members to simply provide a .sub and .mon files.