In the November 9, 2021 meeting of the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG) stakeholders were invited to review and submit feedback on Interconnection Replacement Process Improvement Proposal.
Please provide feedback by December 14, 2021.
WEC Energy Group supports the proposal to include an option within the Replacement Interconnection process to study the long-term suspension (retirement) of the existing resource without replacement. The proposal adds flexibility to quickly pivot from a retire/replace request to a retire-only request if the replacement study identifies issues.
From the November 9, 2021 meeting of the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG) Item 06 - Interconnection Replacement Process Improvement Proposal: EDF-Renewables fully supports MISO in its continued attempt to improve and make more usable the generation replacement process with the latest improvement proposal.
EDF-Renewables is encouraged by the MISO's effort and encourages the MISO to continue to be open to facilitating process evolution for more practical and efferent opportunities for generation and replacement generation to be a big part of the solution and provide for efficient use of, and expansions and improvements to, the imbedded transmission system.
Thank you for the opportunity to offer feedback.
WPPI Energy appreciates MISO’s focus on possible problems with the process existing Generator Replacement provisions. We view facilitation of generator replacement as important in limiting MISO and Interconnection Customer costs and efforts, and in supporting resource adequacy during this period of rapid resource-mix change. We look forward for seeing further detail in MISO’s proposal in early 2022.