PAC: GIP Changes for Option to Build BPM-015 (20210428)

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Generator Interconnection

In the April 28 meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), MISO presented the final proposal for Interconnection Customer option to build deadline changes and companion BPM-015 edits for feedback. 

Comments are due by May 12.  

Submitted Feedback

The Environmental Sector values the opportunity to provide comments to MISO on the Interconnection Customer Option to Build. We believe MISO’s proposal to allow an IC to elect to waive the right for Option to Build at Decision Point 1 or to defer the decision until 10 days after the Facilities Study Review strikes an excellent balance between Transmission Owner and Interconnection Customer needs. We appreciate MISO’s efforts to arrive at a fair and balanced proposal, and we support the proposed Tariff language changes.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Environmental Sector,

Natalie McIntire

For both &, consider:

  1. Replacing “oversite” with “oversight” and
  2. Replacing “Failure to provide either a written response or a failure to provide the required cost estimates…” with “Failure to provide a written response or a failure to provide the required cost estimates…” or “Failure to either provide a written response or to provide the required cost estimates…”

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