PAC: MTEP22 Additional Analysis Requests (20210922)

Item Expired
MTEP, Transmission Planning

In the September 22 meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), stakeholders were invited to submit additional analysis requests for MTEP22.  

Comments are due by October 6. 

Submitted Feedback

The TDU Sector believes MISO should perform focused study work on the potential impacts from widescale deployment of energy storage resources (including stand-alone and hybrid resources). This study would go further than the storage related analysis performed as part of the Renewable Integration Impact Assessment and seek to better understand the impact of storage resources on addressing renewable energy curtailments and providing fast ramping/flexibility benefits to MISO energy markets and operations. In addition, this analysis should not just focus on 4-hour storage but also consider the potential impacts from 8-hour duration storage and longer. As the 2021 interconnection study applications show, the interest in storage and hybrid resources is continuing to grow rapidly. MISO should work with stakeholders to understand how storage resources can best work with and optimize system expansion planning and renewable resource generation.

MISO needs to run sensitivities for future wind droughts. A wind drought that lasted for 39 hours occurred on January 29-30, 2020 reducing wind output to 1% or less across the entire MISO footprint.

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