During the April 27, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO framed the discussion regarding Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning (PAC-2021-1. Several questions were presented for stakeholders to consider and respond to. MISO is requesting Stakeholder feedback on the following questions:
Unconditional) in this discussion?
Please provide feedback by May 13.
Clean Grid Alliance Comments on Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning
MISO Planning Subcommittee
May 13, 2021
Clean Grid Alliance appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the Planning Subcommittee topic of Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning. The first thing we would like to point out is that this issue is not a reliability issue related to Generator Interconnection. It’s a market issue related to congestion. In a competitive market environment, there will be more generators available than load. This leads to congestion, which is a natural byproduct of market environment.
In listening to the stakeholder discussions on this topic, it seems clear the issues can be broken down into 2 categories –short term due to Generator Interconnection Network Upgrades not being constructed, and long term congestion related to the nature of a market environment. Again, neither of these issues relate to reliability.
The short term issues relate to “fairness” in dispatch and are currently addressed through the Annual ERIS, NRIS and QOL processes.
The long term issues relate to market congestion and this is where MISO’s historic deficiency in Market Efficiency Projects (MEPs) creates harm. MEP projects’ threshold criteria are so high it is difficult to get any approved through the annual MTEP planning process. In fact, we are aware of generators that have paid for Network Upgrades via participant funding for the purpose of addressing congestion after all requirements for reliability were met, and the project was operating.
We strongly encourage MISO to lower the bar for approval of MEP projects, as we believe this is the appropriate mechanism to address congestion at existing generators. Some suggestions for addressing this are (1) reducing the required B/C ratio from 1.25 to 1.0 and (2) evaluating the benefits of transmission projects on a 40 year basis rather than 20 years as 40 years is much more reflective of the actual life expectancy of transmission upgrades.
Rhonda Peters, Ph.D.
Technical Consultant for Clean Grid Alliance
Transmission Owner Sector Feedback on Congestion at Existing Resources
May 13, 2021
During the April 27, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO framed the discussion regarding Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning (PAC-2021-1. Several questions were presented for stakeholders to consider and respond to. The Transmission Owners address some of these questions in the comments below, but there is not sufficient time provided for feedback submission for the Owners to develop a more complete response so, the Owners note generally that this is a topic of interest to the Owners, on which Sector feedback has submitted in the past.
In response to some of the questions MISO posed for Stakeholder feedback:
NRIS, Unconditional units should be considered in this effort, as output from NRIS is intended to be “deliverable” to the MISO system, while ERIS has only non-firm injection rights.
Congestion is an economic issue, not a reliability issue.
This issue reflects concerns raised by the Owners most recently in CPP discussions at the PSC last year, relating to several DPP studies assumptions that contribute to congestion on the transmission system; some of these, which the Owners see as the most significant drivers of congestion at existing resources, are described in the comments below.
As the generation fleet transitions to more intermittent resources, more MW of generating capacity needs to be added to achieve the same level of capacity credits. MISO’s recent reduction of solar dispatch to zero in the DPP shoulder study case[1] (one of only two DPP study cases) at the same time as solar has become the predominate resource-type in the queue is likely to exacerbate these issues, already seen with recent wind development in MISO.
[1] Last presented at the Planning Subcommittee in October, 2020: https://cdn.misoenergy.org/20200923%20PAC%20Item%2003h%20Wind%20and%20Solar%20Dispatch%20Implementation%20Presentation476171.pdf
The Environmental Sector appreciates this opportunity to provide comments to the PSC on the topic of “Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning”. Our main concern about this issue is that congestion is an economic issue and not a reliability issue. This is definitely not a reliability issue related to Generator Interconnection. In a competitive market environment, the fact that there is more generation than load leads to economic congestion, which is addressed by MISO’s security constrained economic dispatch.
Longer term issues of continued market congestion are a sign that MISO’s Market Congestion Planning Studies and Market Efficiency Project (MEP) cost allocation are ineffective at solving consistent real time market congestion. Very few MEPs have been approved through the MTEP process largely because the MEP criteria are too limited. MISO and stakeholders have a variety of options that would expand the opportunities for MEPs to mitigate congestion at existing generators, such as:
Natalie McIntire
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Environmental Sector
EDFR appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the Planning Subcommittee (PSC): Address Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning (PAC-2021-1) presented by MISO during the April 27, 2021 PSC meeting.
While the focus of MISO’s MTEP Planning is to identify and address system congestion 5, 10, 15 year out, the real-time congestion across the MISO system continues to negatively impact generation assets and customers. In many scenarios, the anticipated in-service date of the MTEP identified projects are significantly drawn out or delayed resulting in exacerbating the real-time congestion. For instance, the Wabaco – Rochester economic project was identified and approved in the 2019 planning year but will not be in-service until 2022. Hence, the congestion in this area continues to worsen and negatively impact generation assets and customers in the region. In order to alleviate such scenarios, EDFR suggests that MISO utilizes the real-time congestion data available and consider near-term operational remedies such as advanced line rating technologies, and temporary transmission reconfigurations.
As it pertains to the transmission planning, a review of the upgrades coming from the planning processes and top constraints can identify opportunities for congestion mitigation either due to congestion getting worse compared to planning models, or due to outages associated with the planned upgrades. Furthermore, operational constraints with persistent congestion should be prioritized for mitigation even if not identified as constraints or candidates for upgrades in the planning processes. Better reimbursement mechanisms for sponsored upgrades and creating transparent processes for grid enhanced technologies to be proposed, assessed, and implemented for minimizing congestion/curtailments in the market.
Additionally, EDFR encourages MISO to allow stakeholder presentations to further discuss this topic in the stakeholder forum.
Arash Ghodsian
Sr. Director Transmission & Policy
EDF Renewables
GRE Comments - April 27, 2021 PSC Meeting
Great River Energy appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to MISO on the following PSC item:
“Address Congestion at Existing Resources in Planning (PAC-2021-1)”
May 13, 2021
Invenergy LLC ("Invenergy") appreciates the opportunity to comment on the proposal to address congestion at existing resources presented at the April 27, 2021 Planning Subcommittee.
Respectfully, congestion is an economic issue, not a reliability issue and certainly not related to generation interconnection. Economic congestion is addressed by MISO’s security constrained economic dispatch and relieving that congestion should be addressed through Market Efficiency Projects via the MTEP process.
Thank you,
Nicole Luckey
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Invenergy LLC