PSC: BPM-020 Local Planning Criteria (20210622)

Item Expired
Related Entity(s):
Reliable Operations, Transmission Planning

During the June 22, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO discussed proposed language changes to BPM-015 and BPM-020 for Local Planning Criteria.  Stakeholder feedback is requested on the posted redlines. 

Please provide feedback by July 13.

Submitted Feedback

Please see attached red-line document with comments and suggested edits.  These are all non-substantive with the possible exception of our proposed re-write of the last sentence of the language included in the presentation, which is intended to strengthen TOs' obligation to show comparable use of LPC in GI and MTEP reliability planning processes:

"If Transmission Owner LPC are invoked in a concurrent DPP study, MISO may require the affected Transmission Owner(s) to demonstrate that the same LPC are applied to the MTEP reliability planning studies."

Environmental Sector Comments to PSC re: proposed BPM changes for LCP

The Environmental Sector wants to express its appreciation to MISO for continued diligence to work through and provide a potential solution to this issue. Consistency across reliability studies--including the DPP and MTEP studies--is an important piece of MISO’s work to ensure a reliable electricity supply in face of numerous challenges. The Environmental Sector is receptive to the solution provided by MISO and looks forward to seeing if the proposed solution eliminates the unjustified disparate treatment between the DPP and MTEP reliability studies. We agree with MISO that the BPM should be updated to ensure GI related TO LPC has a comparable MTEP equivalent.

This issue has been debated and solutions explored for a significant time, having been discussed extensively during the Coordinated Planning Process Task Team meetings last held in February of 2020. Now that a potential solution has been developed and put before stakeholders, we encourage MISO to move quickly to finalize and implement the proposed changes to the BPM. We look forward to seeing the final BPM language at the September PAC after review and feedback by that committee.

Thank you for your diligence on this important issue

The Environmental Sector

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