PSC: BPM-020 Revisions (20210209)

Item Expired
Related Entity(s):
MTEP, Transmission Planning

During the February 9, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO discussed BPM-020 changes for compliance with NERC standard TPL-001-5 requirements for treatment of Planned Outages.  Stakeholder feedback is requested on the proposed BPM language regarding:

  • Process for treatment of planned outages
  • Inclusion of a default technical rationale for use by the Transmission Planner for selection of outages

Please provide feedback by February 25.

Submitted Feedback

The proposed BPM changes generally look reasonable to WPPI.  We appreciate MISO posting a WORD version of the proposed changes, are submitting a red-line mark-up with suggested edits in conjunction with this comment.

Entergy Operating Company Feedback on Proposed BPM-020 Language for Compliance with NERC Standard TPL-001-5

March 3, 2021

In response to MISO’s request for stakeholder review and feedback of draft BPM-020 language needed for compliance with NERC standard TPL-001-5 requirements related to the treatment of Planned Outages, the Entergy Operating Companies (Entergy) offer the following comment.

The last sentence of proposed Section, “Analysis of Planned Outages” says: “Planned outages are simulated as outage event(s) plus the next contingency with system adjustments following the outage event that includes generation redispatch but not load shedding.”

Entergy suggests that this section should explicitly note that load adjustments that represent shifting load from one station to another, or a large customer voluntarily curtailing their load during the outage, are acceptable to include in the outage events.

In regards to the Protection System Outages section bullet 2, MRES is requesting that MISO consider a time frame less than five years for submitting MTEP Appendix A project outages. Predicting outages more than a year or two out with any accuracy is unlikely. If the outages are not captured in the correct models the results of any study work will not be of much value.  

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Supplemental Stakeholder Feedback

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