During the April 27, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO presented five transfers for MTEP21. MISO is requesting Stakeholder feedback on the proposed transfers.
Please provide feedback by May 18.
Environmental Sector
Comments re: MTEP21 Transfer Analysis Scope
At MISO's Planning Subcommittee meeting on April 27, 2021, MISO staff presented five proposed transfers for analysis in MTEP21. MISO has requested feedback on the proposed transfers by May 18th. The Environmental Sector mostly supports MISO's proposed transfer analyses with minor modifications and one additional transfer.
MISO’s Transfer Capability Analysis is performed to identify any transfer limits within the MISO footprint. This informational analysis does not commit Transmission Owners (TO’s) to provide corrective action plans; however, some TO’s have Local Planning Criteria (LPC) that states their facilities shall not limit certain regional transfers. The Environmental Sector requests MISO summarize the TO’s LPC where the Transfer Capability Analysis may have some effect.
To the extent possible, we recommend that this Analysis align closely with potential LRTP projects to provide additional information that can shed light on how reliability is affected by transfer limits for stakeholders during the LRTP process.
East to SPP
MISO’s proposed transfer analysis called “East to SPP” is critical to understanding the February blackouts. The Environmental Sector strongly encourages MISO to emulate the February blackouts as closely as possible to find potential solutions, but also to benchmark MISO’s modeling capability. A key component of this sensitivity analysis will be modeling generator derates/unplanned outages in the MISO system as well as neighboring systems. We also request that the 5,000 MW transfer be modeled so that MISO South receives at least 1,000 MW of flow either from SERC or MISO North. MISO South’s load shed event was approximately 700 MW’s, indicating a need of at least that much transmission capacity into the South.
MISO North to MISO South
The Environmental Sector proposes MISO model one additional transfer analysis. As in the East to SPP analysis, we request MISO conduct a similar 2021 winter weather event analysis with a transfer of at least 2,000 MW from MISO North to MISO South. The blackouts experienced in MISO South were limited to less than 1,000 MW’s; however, to ensure thermal limits are not exceeded, a minimum level of transfer of at least 2,000 MW’s should be evaluated.
MISO North to MISO South
Model Year: 2026
Season: Winter Peak
Rationale: 2021 winter weather event
Transfer Level: 2,000 MW
Monitored Area: MISO South
Source: MISO North
Sink: MISO South
Other Transfer Analyses
The Environmental Sector has no feedback at this time regarding the other proposed transfer analyses.
The OMS Transmission Planning Work Group (OMS TPWG) thanks MISO for allowing us to provide comments on the MTEP21 Transfer Analysis Scope Development. This feedback does not represent a position of the OMS Board of Directors.
Our suggestions for four potential transfer analysis studies include: 1. MISO Central to MISO South, 2. MISO South to MISO Central, 3. MISO South to SPP, and 4. SPP to MISO South. The OMS TPWG recognizes the need to change transfer analysis studies from time-to-time and requests MISO provide an explanation for each prior year transfer analysis that is removed from the study. OMS TPWG wishes to understand why a transfer analysis is critical in one year and not the next year. Providing the requested explanations will bring clarity to this study.
WPPI appreciates MISO’s decision to add a transfer corresponding to the conditions that caused a Transmission Emergency in Illinois during the mid-February cold-weather event and we encourage MISO to fully evaluate potential system limitations with this transfer pattern.
MISO should study the actual maximum transfers that took place during the February 2021 cold wave.