During the August 10, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO requested Stakeholder feedback on additional MTEP22 analysis requests.
Please provide feedback by September 15.
During the August 10, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO requested Stakeholder feedback on additional MTEP22 analysis requests.
Propose a North/South Expansion
As part of MISO’s LRTP effort, MISO announced that the southern region will not be included in the MTEP21 work. We request that MISO propose a series of solutions that would expand the North/South intertie that would meet at least one existing or proposed criteria (e.g., MVP, MEP, and/or LRTP) for inclusion in MTEP22.
Study Including LG&E/KU in MISO
As part of the joint Integrated Resource Plan of Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company (LG&E/KU), Kentucky Public Service Commission Staff made the following recommendation: “In the next IRP, the Companies should provide updated comprehensive and detailed cost/benefit studies comparing the full costs of joining MISO or PJM and all potential benefits such as increased revenues, lower reserve margin requirements, and improved reliability versus operating under its existing operating construct.” Because of the PSC staff’s recommendation, LG&E/KU will be required to evaluate joining MISO within the next five years, which is within the planning horizon of MTEP22. The City of Louisville has already adopted a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan, stating its plan will “set Louisville on a path to achieve its 80% reduction target” and “we will pursue more aggressive actions that propel Louisville beyond the 80% reduction target and improve the health and quality of life of residents for generations to come.” Based on the Kentucky PSC staff’s recommendations, and Louisville’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the Environmental Sector requests that MISO conduct a targeted study as part of MTEP21 that includes adding LG&E/KU as a member to MISO.
Kentucky Public Service Commission (July 20, 2020). Staff Report on the 2018 Integrated Resource Plan of Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company. https://psc.ky.gov/pscscf/2018%20Cases/2018-00348//20200720_PSC_ORDER.pdf
City of Louisville. Emissions Reduction Plan. [https://louisvilleky.gov/government/sustainability/emissions-reduction-plan]
Study Including MLGW in MISO
As part of a recent Integrated Resource Plan, Memphis Light, Gas & Water identified potential significant savings associated with departing the Tennessee Valley Authority system and joining MISO. One of the recommendations is for MLGW to join LRZ 8 with new transmission assets. Entergy has provided support for MLGW’s analysis. Memphis' Area Climate Action Plan aims to “achieve 75% carbon-free energy in electricity supply by 2035” and “100% carbon-free by 2050”. MLGW’s IRP outlines several ways to implement the Climate Action Plan. At a presentation in August, MLGW reviewed results of the IRP that showed Portfolio 9, with strong MISO connections and significant renewable energy build-out, would significantly reduce costs. At the same meeting, the MLGW Board began the process to issue a request for proposals for energy and capacity; signaling strong intent in evaluating joining MISO. In July, MISO provided a robust response to MLGW's membership assessment request, including significant costs and benefits. As such, MISO has received considerable quantities of data from MLGW and has already conducted a number of important analyses. MLGW could evaluate joining MISO within the next five years, which is within the planning horizon of MTEP22. Because the MLGW IRP’s results are highly compelling for MLGW to join MISO, it is reasonable that MLGW is more likely than not to join MISO. Based on Memphis’ Climate Action Plan, and MLGW’s IRP results, the Environmental Sector requests that MISO conduct a targeted study as part of MTEP22 that includes adding MLGW as a member to MISO, relying on MLGW’s Portfolio 9 as guidance.
Memphis Light Gas & Water (August 19, 2020). Integrated Resource Plan. [http://www.mlgw.com/images/content/files/pdf/IRP%20Board%20Presentation_081920.pdf]
Samuel Hardiman (August 18, 2020). 'MLGW does not have to become an operator of power plants,' Entergy pitches partnership to Memphis, Commercial Appeal. [https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/2020/08/18/entergy-pitches-partnership-memphis-light-gas-and-water/3378325001/]
Run the Futures with a $0/MWh hurdle rate
The Environmental Sector requests that MISO run the three Futures in MTEP22 but with $0/MWh hurdle rates for all neighboring regions including but not limited to SPP, PJM, AECI, and TVA. Modeling a $0/MWh hurdle rate may identify transmission constraints between the various regions that are masked with the hurdle rates that will be used in the primary MTEP22 model runs. This will allow a comparison of the runs with and without the artificial hurdle rates and the impact on the APC analysis and flow patterns. This approach will particularly be important in assessing beneficial solutions that should be evaluated with the generation mix in the high change case Futures. We request that MISO eliminate any and all hurdle rates in this targeted study and MISO document the methodology of use of hurdle rates in the MTEP process.
Alliant Energy believes MISO should perform focused study work on the potential impacts from widescale deployment of energy storage resources (including stand-alone and hybrid resources). This study would go further than the storage related analysis performed as part of the Renewable Integration Impact Assessment and seek to better understand the impact of storage resources on addressing renewable energy curtailments and providing fast ramping/flexibility benefits to MISO energy markets and operations. In addition, this analysis should not just focus on 4-hour storage but also consider the potential impacts from 8-hour duration storage and longer. As the 2021 interconnection study applications show, the interest in storage and hybrid resources is continuing to grow rapidly. MISO should work with stakeholders to understand how storage resources can best work with and optimize system expansion planning and renewable resource generation.