RSC: Generation Winterization and Gas Fuel Surveys (20210225)

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Related Entity(s):
Reliable Operations

In the February 25, 2021 meeting of the Reliability Subcommittee (RSC), stakeholders were invited to review and submit feedback on Generation Winterization and Gas Fuel Surveys

  1. Are there other changes you would like to see regarding the questions? ​
  2. Do you have suggestions/ideas for making the survey easier to respond to?

 Please provide feedback by March 12, 2021.

Submitted Feedback

Great River Energy (GRE) would like to thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback.

Great River Energy would support the consolidation and streamlining of the Generator Winterization and Gas and Fuel survey questions as outlined in MISOs presentation.

1. Are there any changes you would like to see regarding the questions?

    No additional changes.

2. Do you have suggestions/ideas to make the survey easier to respond to?

    Not at this time.

Thank you for allowing Duke the opportunity to provide feedback on the Winterization and Gas Fuel Surveys.


In general, Duke is supportive of the proposed changes to combining and elimination questions.  We also feel that it is very helpful when the survey has the prior year information pre-populated in the file.

We also feel that Question 10 A could be removed.  Duke doesn't feel that this question adds any value to the survey.

10A - Does the pipeline(s) the Unit is connected to offer the service you believe are necessary to operate as desired (if subscribed to or not)?

Thanks for allowing us to share this feedback.


Bryan Garnett


DATE: MARCH 12, 2021

In response to the feedback request made at the February 25, 2021 Reliability Subcommittee Meeting, the Entergy Operating Companies ("EOCs")[1]would support the consolidation and streamlining related to the Generator Winterization and Gas Fuel Survey questions as detailed in MISO’s presentation.  In regards to the Gas fuel survey question 10a, could MISO better define what is meant by “operate as desired”? 

To the point of combining the two surveys into one survey, the EOC’s would find it helpful if the survey would allow for completion by more than one person for a Market Participant.  Currently, these two surveys are completed by two different groups of differing disciplines and it would be helpful if they were able to complete the survey independently of each other. 

The EOCs appreciate the opportunity to provide comments.

[1] The Entergy Operating Companies are Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, and Entergy Texas, Inc.


Listed below are NIPSCO feedback responses.

  1. Are there other changes you would like to see regarding the questions?
  • Generator Winterization Questions
    • Question 2a + 2bRETAIN - this question although a look-back question does provide an opportunity to gather and share lessons learned
    • Question 3 – please ensure a dropdown to select C or F… We use Farenheit
    • Question 5a – 5bRETAIN - this question although a look-back question does provide an opportunity to gather and share lessons learned
    • Gas Fuel Survey Questions
      • Question 12e – RETAIN – There may be maintenance/project that can impact deliverability or impact dual-fuel availability status

2. Do you have suggestions/ideas for making the survey easier to respond to?

Survey is pretty straightforward and easy to respond to

WPPI supports MISO’s effort to combine the Generation Winterization and Gas Fuel Surveys as well to shorten the combined surveys. We provide the following comments on specific questions:

  • 1. Are there other changes you would like to see regarding the questions?
    • Currently, the following are yes or no questions:
      • Q1 Does the resource have a plan to prepare for winter?
      • Q9 Is there a corporate or plant procedure for an extreme cold weather event?
    • For a couple of WPPI units we are unsure of whether the appropriate response to the above questions (1 and 9) is “yes” or “no.” We are unsure because all known actions that can be taken to prepare the units for winter or an extreme cold weather event have already been taken and are permanent (not requiring ongoing action at the units). We’re open to how best to communicate the winterization status of these units to MISO. One idea would be to add to survey questions 1 and 9 “(or have all know actions to prepare already been taken).”
  • 2. Do you have suggestions/ideas for making the survey easier to respond to?
    • WPPI has none at this time.

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