CTSTF: Attachment Y Review – Rush Island Units 1 and 2 (20220617)

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Reliable Operations, Transmission Planning

During the June 17, 2022, meeting of the Central Technical Study Task Force (CTSTF) MISO reviewed possible alternative mitigations for the Rush Island Support Supply Resource (SSR). Stakeholders were invited to submit feedback on the presented possible alternative mitigations.

Please provide feedback by June 24.

Submitted Feedback

WPPI recommends that MISO consider conversion of one or both of the Rush Island synchronous machines to operation as synchronous condensers.  Alternatively, new dynamic voltage support equipment could be installed at this location--rotating or otherwise (though we note the advantage of rotating machines in providing inertia).  We expect that there is a high likelihood that this would resolve the Transient Voltage Recovery issues identified in the Attachment Y studies.  To the extent that no generator is willing to provide this service, we recommend that MISO consider treating such devices as part of MISO's transmission system.

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