MISO request feedback on the Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection by July 8th:
Please provide feedback by July 8, 2022.
Entergy Operating Company Feedback on the Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection Study Process
July 8, 2022
The following feedback on the proposed Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection study process presented by MISO at the at the June 6, 2022 meeting of the Planning Subcommittee (PSC) is offered by the Entergy Operating Companies (Entergy)[1], as requested by MISO.
MISO specifically requested feedback on proposed:
Regarding the Screening Process, Entergy appreciates MISO changing the screening criteria to 5 MW OR 1%, but we continue to stress the importance of MISO using minimum loadings (rather than peak loadings) to determine the potential impact of DERs on the transmission system. Entergy remains concerned that MISO’s proposed study approach may result in masking potential impacts to the Transmission System and continue to support the use of the worst-case scenario, daytime minimum loading, for screening, which is intended to evaluate whether a more in-depth study is warranted to evaluation the potential for issues.
Regarding the proposed timeframes and coordination:
Entergy also requests that MISO address the following details regarding its planned analysis:
[1] The Entergy Operating Companies are Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC, Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, and Entergy Texas, Inc.
DTE appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback to MISO on the DER interconnection process and coordination for affected systems studies. In general, DTE supports the screening thresholds that MISO has established for DER affected systems studies, however DTE would propose that MISO evaluate injections during both peak and off-peak conditions.
PGR appreciates the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed the Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection Process and provides the following comments for MISO’s consideration:
PGR generally supports MISO bringing more transparency and equity into the DER study approach.
Alliant Energy continues to believe that a low load or off peak-peak screen is an important factor when assessing the impact of DER. Fundamentally, when there is less load on the system, the potential impact of DER is higher. Focusing just on the system peak will potentially miss DER that has the potential to have impacts on the transmission system. MISO’s proposal to use peak and shoulder models for the detailed Affected System studies will not be helpful if resources are not appropriately identified from the initial screening process.
Also, regarding Fast Track processes, MISO should be aware that state and distribution level interconnection processes can also have their own Fast Track process. For example, in Iowa some DER resources qualify for a Fast Track process where the distribution company is required to respond to the interconnection request in 20 days. MISO should explain how the proposed DER process will factor state level interconnection process. In particular, MISO’s proposal to perform studies on a quarterly basis could create delays in distribution level interconnection processes. It’s possible these delays could cause DER interconnection customers to file complaints with the distribution company and/or state regulatory body. As one way to address this issue, MISO may need to perform some sort of hosting capacity analysis.
It would also be helpful for MISO to further explain how various types of DER will be handled as part of this process. For example, does DER such as energy storage that is installed purely as a backup resource need to be factored in information and screening criteria? Also, how would DER that can be controlled be treated as part of the screening and potential further study process?
Regarding the coordination among MISO, transmission owners and Electric Distribution Companies (EDCs), Alliant Energy agrees that it is appropriate for transmission owners to manage information and payment exchanges with EDCs and/or DER customers. Transmission owners need to be engaged and aware of DER activity and ultimately the purpose of this process is to understand potential impacts on the transmission system. EDCs can help supply information as needed but transmission owners should have the responsibly to manage the interactions with parties potentially impacting their system.
Alliant Energy does see a need for the treatment of study deposits to be thought through more. For example, if multiple DERs together trigger a screening criteria does each DER interconnection customer need to pay a $60,000 deposit? Or would this study deposit be shared among the DER interconnection customers, and if so, how would this sharing take place?
We appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed process and look forward to further discussion with MISO.
ITC thanks MISO for the opportunity to comment on its DER Interconnection Presentation at the June IPWG meeting. ITC offers the following feedback on MISO’s proposed processes:
ITC appreciates that DERs are a new frontier for MISO and that many details must still be worked out. Reliance on the TOs to be responsible for the data and study deposits is not appropriate for the reasons outlined above. We hope that MISO will rethink these suggestions and discuss alternatives with the stakeholders to find more appropriate solutions.