IPWG: Replacement Process Improvements Tariff Language (20220217)

Item Expired
Generator Interconnection

MISO is requesting feedback on posted Tariff for Replacement Process Improvements.

Please provide feedback by February 25, 2022.

Submitted Feedback

Clean Grid Alliance Comments on Replacement Process Improvements Tariff Language

Feb 25, 2022


Clean Grid Alliance appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on Replacement Process Improvements Tariff Language. We continue to have questions on this proposed Tariff change and had planned to ask them during discussion at the Feb IPWG, but without prior warning or announcement, MISO removed all discussion time at the February IPWG meeting and was (initially) unwilling to accept stakeholder comments and questions in writing.

Clean Grid Alliance requests that MISO provide in a presentation an example of how the proposed changes work, potential outcomes and consequences of such changes, where the need for such changes came from, and how exactly this enhances the generator replacement process, prior to proceeding with this proposal. We have reviewed the two proposed changes to Attachment X (Sections, Appendix 1 section 4q which add an optional longer-term study scenario that can be requested, and the proposed change to Module C, which allows for 30 days lead time for the proposed study in the generator replacement process, to Attachment Y, but do not fully understand who this change benefits, and why it is beneficial. 



Rhonda R. Peters, Ph.D.
Technical Consultant for Clean Grid Alliance

SunEnergy 1 supports the redline changes which provide generators the same flexibility as provided under the attachment Y process. 

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