PAC: Att. Y Retirement Process Tariff (PAC-2022-1) (20221019)

Item Expired
Reliable Operations, Transmission Planning

In the October 19, 2022, meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), MISO shared proposed Tariff language to support Improvements to the Attachment Y Retirement Process (PAC-2022-1) for stakeholder review and feedback.  

Comments are due by November 2, 2022. 

Submitted Feedback

Transmission Owners Sector Feedback on Improvements to the Attachment Y Retirement Process

November 2, 2022. 

The MISO Transmission Owners provide the following feedback on the proposed Tariff language revisions supporting Improvements to the Attachment Y Retirement Process (PAC-2022-1), presented at the October 19, 2022 meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), where MISO requested stakeholder review and feedback.  

The Owners support the process changes MISO is proposing and appreciate the inclusion of a transition period in the proposed changes.  However, the proposed language describing the transition is unclear, and the Owners suggest the following language to provide clarity to the applicability of the transition period:

q.         Transition to New Attachment Y Framework.

The Attachment Y four full Quarterly Study Periods advance notice and Quarterly Study Period framework shall not apply to an Attachment Y Notice submitted after the effective date of these revisions but less than up to one full Quarterly Study Period after the effective date of the revision of Tariff Section 38.2.7.  Any Attachment Y Notice that is submitted prior to the first full Quarterly Study Period will utilize the prior Tariff submission requirement of at least 26 weeks prior to the start of Suspension, and for those requests, the Transmission Provider shall continue to apply the Attachment Y provisions in place prior to the effective date of these revisions, including using reasonable efforts to respond to the owner within 75 Calendar Days after receipt of the Attachment Y Notice regarding whether the availability of the subject of the Notice appears to be required for transmission system reliability, unless an alternative date is agreed to by the owner and the Transmission Provider.

Related Materials

Supplemental Stakeholder Feedback

MISO Feedback Response