In the March 1 meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), stakeholders were invited to submit feedback on proposed Shared Interconnection Facilities Tariff language.
Comments are due by March 16.
National Grid Renewables appreciates the commitment to expediency in this process and agrees that it is appropriate to remove the requirement of TO sign-off.
The Environmental Sector appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the Planning Advisory Committee on proposed Tariff edits to MISO’s Shared Interconnection Facilities policies. We strongly support MISO’s proposed changes and appreciate the effort and time put into this change.
In the past year, there has been an increase in the number of renewable energy producers who have sought to share interconnection facilities between projects/queue positions for financial efficiency and benefit to the MISO system. We applaud and appreciate MISO’s effort to streamline the process making it less time consuming for interconnection customers, transmission owners, and MISO staff, while still ensuring that MISO’s needs are met both in the near term and in anticipation of any future changes in ownership.
WPPI would ask MISO to make a practice of posting draft tariff changes in MS Word format rather than pdf when requesting stakeholder review. In addition we would ask MISO, when posting abridged documents, to be sure to include pages preceding changes as necessary to understand the context of the proposed changes. These steps would greatly facilitate meaningful stakeholder review.
Attachment X proper