SRRTWG: PSR Drill Design (20220505)

Item Expired
Grid Resilience, Reliable Operations

In the May 5, 2022, meeting of the System Restoration & Reliability Training Working Group (SRRTWG) stakeholders were invited to submit feedback on the Power System Restoration (PSR) Drill Design with the following questions in mind:

  • Does your company prefer to start from black or from an island?
  • Would you be willing to assist in the creation of your own island in the MISO simulator?

Please provide feedback by May 19.

Submitted Feedback

  • Does your company prefer to start from black or from an island?
    • The ATC TOP area comprised of the ALTE, MIUP, MGE, UPPC, WEC, and WPS LBAs prefers to start from black.
  • Would you be willing to assist in the creation of your own island in the MISO simulator?
    • We are planning to start our island from black. However, if MISO requires the TOP to verify model functionality and permissions prior to the drill please reach out to ATC and the LBAs the comprise our footprint.
  • Does your company prefer to start from black or from an island? We (NIPSCO) prefer to start from black.
  • Would you be willing to assist in the creation of your own island in the MISO simulator?  No  

NSP would like to have a couple of small islands within our footprint and work to build the cranking path towards those remote islands. We are willing to work within the MISO simulator to set those up for the drill. We will also be using our own simulator and updating the MISO simulator during the drill.

MP prefers to start from blackout conditions

MEC prefers to start from black. 

ITC would prefer to start from black for all of it's systems in the MISO footprint.

Duke Energy Indiana prefers to start from a total blackout. Thank you.

GRE would prefer to start from a blackout condition. We would be building our island from black on the MISO simulator.

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