Stakeholders are welcome to submit informal feedback.
Please reference the Entity, Issue Number, if known, or topic.
Thank you.
Minnesota Power appreciates the stakeholder feedback process, in that there is an opportunity to provide written feedback on a wide range of topics. The immediate concern in regard to the RASC stakeholder feedback process is that the feedback doesn't have a defined path in how it is being considered by MISO when MISO is making decisions on discussing issues and promoting changes to the reliability construct. The feedback is posted, MISO provides a slide deck providing its responses, and the same pattern of pushing the ideas that are clearly not supported by stakeholders continues. There needs to be some form of gathering a defined level of support for moving ahead on key initiatives, and not just use the FERC filing process to vet opposition that remains
First sent on Monday 5/15/2023 at 11:59 AM CT
Greetings PAC - Cynthia Crane, Dave Johnston, Jeanna Furnish, Amanda Jones, Andy Witmeier,
Cc IPWG – David Mindham, Angela Maiko, Ryan Westphal, Mandi McGirr
As has become obvious from MW volumes that have increased in Generation Interconnection queue cycles over last few years in MISO and other RTOs, culminating in arguably an unworkable MW volume in the MISO DPP 2022 cycle, there is need for MISO Stakeholders and MISO to investigate adjustments to the process to appropriately lower volumes in queue cycles. The significant MW volume has resulted in phase results that are not as indicative, as needed, of final outcomes, greatly reducing their value in making investment decisions for interconnection customers. In our opinion, it is untenable to continue without adjustments.
The Signatories, are asking PAC to begin discussion and/or assign (IPWG) the topic of “Consider DPP 2023 process adjustments to address Generation Interconnection queue cycle volumes” for consideration on an expedited timeframe to facilitate the implementation of changes in time for the next DPP cycle.
The Signatories being:
Have a great week,
Temujin Roach, EDF Renewables - North America, Sr. Director - Transmission Policy