MISO is requesting feedback on Updated Interconnection Customer Deposits for D1 and D2.
Please provide comments and suggestions on the following:
Please provide feedback by February 21, 2023.
AES Clean Energy appreciates the opportunity to comment on MISO’s proposal to update Interconnection Customer Deposits D1 and D2. AES Clean Energy does not oppose MISO’s proposal to adjust D1 payments on going forward basis to account for inflation, and request that MISO make it clear in the tariff language the methodology they will be using to calculate the new D1 deposits. Also, MISO should announce that year’s D1 deposit amount at least 60 days prior to the close of the interconnection application window to give interconnection customers sufficient time to coordinate payments.
AES Clean Energy supports MISO’s proposal to provide further clarification in the tariff what activities can be covered by the D1 and D2 payments. AES Clean Energy also requests that MISO provide greater detail in customer invoices about how much of their D1 and D2 deposits are spent on each activity to provide greater transparency on how MISO is utilizing customer’ study deposits.