In the May 16 meeting of the Modeling Users Group (MUG), Stakeholders were invited to submit feedback on MUG Network and Market Model Coordination Activities, specifically addressing the challenges outlined in the linked document (20230516 MUG Item 04 Feedback Request Information and Details) and providing potential solutions.
Xcel Energy doesn’t mind submitting the model changes a week earlier than the commercial model.
But according to previous conversations, MISO indicated that they are planning on doing more frequent model updates compared to the quarterly submittal process they currently have. We were hoping that they were going to start that process sooner because that will reduce the ahead of time project submittal and help with projects changes which will lead to a more accurate model. This proposal indicates that they might not be thinking of the frequent model submittals soon.
We do not have any significant concerns related to moving the deadline for quarterly model update submittals up one week each quarter to the 8th of the month as long as MISO continues to support submittals that are identified as being required past that date.
We do our best to identify and submit everything that could go into service up to 6 months out prior to the deadlines but there always seem to be projects that are identified late that need to be included in the quarterly updates. If you make the 8th of the month a hard deadline projects affecting the reliability and accuracy of the model could be missed.
Lafayette Utilities System (LAFA) has no opposition adjusting the Network MCR due date to one week ahead of the Commercial MCR due date to help facilitate coordination between the network and commercial modelers.