PAC: BPM 015 and 020 Redlines for FAC-002-4 (20231011)

Item Expired
Generator Interconnection, Transmission Planning

In the October 11, 2023, meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), MISO shared redlines to BPMs 015 Generator Interconnection and 020 Transmission Planning made to comply with the FAC-002-4 standard. Stakeholders were invited to review and submit new feedback on the redlines. 

Feedback is due October 31.  

Submitted Feedback

Business Practices Manual

Transmission Planning

 Definition of Qualified Changes, please consider the addition of the following bolded section in the definition.

  • Existing interconnections of transmission facilities or electricity end-user facilities seeking to make a qualified change on the transmission system needs to report the qualified change to the project database. The qualified change is defined as: i) transmission system topology change; ii) protection configuration change that could negatively impact contingency performance, short circuit, or dynamic performance; iii) change the electrical characteristics of a circuit (i.e., change of impedance, current transformers, thermal rating (lower capability from replacement of components, change in underbuilds, line crossings, etc.)) that could negatively impact contingency performance, short circuit, or dynamic performance.



Transmission Owners feedback on BPMs 015 and 020, and Attachment X of MISO's Tariff to comply with the FAC-002-4

October 31, 2023

The Transmission Owners support the changes to BPMs 015 and 020 and Attachment X of MISO's tariff, proposed to comply with NERC Standard FAC-002-4, and appreciate MISO's consideration of the input provided by the Owners in the development of the language presented at the October 11, 2023 PAC meeting.


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