In the August 30, 2023, meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) MISO opened a feedback request for the MTEP24 study scope with a focus on additional / modified planning study work.
Each year, in accordance with Section of the MISO Transmission Planning Business Practices Manual, MISO requests feedback regarding the study scope for the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP). While the MTEP scope is fixed in part by provisions of the Owners Agreement, Tariff, and Business Practices Manuals, additional study items may be added, as necessary, from cycle to cycle. Please be aware that in addition to the core MTEP studies, MISO is performing the important Long Range Transmission Planning study requiring a significant commitment of resources limiting MISO’s ability to take on additional studies. Scope input received in stakeholder forums will be presented for discussion at the Planning Advisory Committee later this year.
Comments are due by September 20.
The TDU Sector provides the following feedback on MISO’s MTEP24 scope of work.
Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC) Response to PAC: MTEP24 Study Scope (20230830)
In the August 30, 2023, meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) MISO opened a feedback request for the MTEP24 study scope with a focus on additional/modified planning study work.
Each year, in accordance with Section of the MISO Transmission Planning Business Practices Manual, MISO requests feedback regarding the study scope for the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP). While the MTEP scope is fixed in part by provisions of the Owners Agreement, Tariff, and Business Practices Manuals, additional study items may be added, as necessary, from cycle to cycle. Please be aware that in addition to the core MTEP studies, MISO is performing the important Long Range Transmission Planning study requiring a significant commitment of resources limiting MISO’s ability to take on additional studies. Scope input received in stakeholder forums will be presented for discussion at the Planning Advisory Committee later this year.
Comments are due by September 20, 2023.
The MPSC offers the following three comments:
1. Studies based on Future 2A should be revised to reflect:
• Realistic changes to load forecast.
• Dispatch of storage consistent with how those resources will be operated in the market.
• Inclusion of hybrid solar/storage projects with an appropriate accreditation that may change over time.
2. Given the Independent Market Monitor’s (IMM) pointed comments during September MISO Board Week, identifying methodological shortcomings in the study of transmission needs under Future 2A, the MPSC believes the capacity accreditation assumptions used in the EGEAS expansion plan analysis must be corrected so that they are consistent with (i) MISO’s current renewable resources accreditation proposal, and (ii) include hybrid solar-storage resources offered to EGEAS as a single joint resource.
3. Most importantly, MISO needs to study the ancillary services needs of the system consistent with the forecasted/reported retirement plans for thermal dispatchable generation and a corrected forecast for renewables likely to interconnect. Furthermore, MISO should discontinue, or otherwise address, reliance on hypothetical flexible non-pollution emitting resources in the economic modeling of energy adequacy.