RASC: UCAP/ISAC Ratio Adjustment Enhancements (RASC-2019-2, 2020-2, 2020-3) (20230822-23)

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Resource Adequacy

In the August 22-23, 2023, meeting of the Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC), MISO proposed enhancements to the PY 24-25 UCAP/ISAC ratio process per FERC requirements for consideration and stakeholder feedback. 

Comments are due by September 6. 

Submitted Feedback

Alliant Energy is concerned that the PRA process is becoming overly complicated and rushed, which can lead to inefficiencies and errors, as well as less flexibility for negotiating last-minute bilateral trades before the auction. With that said, we support MISO’s process of releasing indicative value by Dec 15, and final values by Feb 15. MISO needs to diligently work on providing highly indicative values in December, as opposed to treating December as a “rough draft” with polish only coming in February. MISO should perform an analysis each year on the Dec to Feb value changes (how many MWs, what the drivers are, improvement opportunities, etc.).

DTE appreciates the ability to provide feedback on the UCAP/ISAC Ratio Adjustment Enhancements. Overall, DTE supports MISO proposed changes to the UCAP/ISAC ratio process. DTE would like MISO to provide a timeline for responding to SAC resolution requests so there is an understanding of when a market participant would know MISO’s findings and if there will be an opportunity to dispute those findings prior to the final date to submit SAC resolution requests.  

WEC Energy Group supports MISO's proposal to clarify the UCAP/ISAC posting process, which should provide resource owners with greater accreditation certainty.  One potential unknown is the volume of GVTC extensions and the GVTC best estimates associated with extension requests.  MISO and stakeholders should continue to review the UCAP/ISAC posting process going forward.