SUG: Schedule 24/24-A Tariff Changes (20230131)

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Energy Markets

In the January 31, 2023 meeting of the Settlements User Group (SUG) stakeholders were invited to submit feedback on Schedule 24 and 24-A Tariff Changes.


Feedback is due by February 10, 2023

Submitted Feedback


February 10, 2023                                                                                             




Cajun appreciates MISO posting the Schedule 24 and Schedule 24-A Redlines for stakeholder discussion and review, at the Market Subcommittee (MSC) and Settlement Users Group (SUG).

Cajun operates the LAGN Local Balancing Authority (LBA) in MISO South and is impacted by the proposed changes to MISO’s Tariff in Schedule 24 and Schedule 24-A. LAGN is not a typical LBA because it is not a rate-based entity. For its LBA activities, LAGN recovers allowable costs under Schedule 24 and Schedule 24-A of the MISO Tariff.

Respectfully, Cajun does not agree with MISO’s proposal for a seven (7) business day notification deadline. If the filing deadline and/or Order issuance are impacted (or filed) in conjunction with a Federal Holiday, the seven (7) business day deadline would present an unnecessary burden on the Balancing Authority. Additionally, the filings have no impact to reliability.  Therefore, Cajun recommends MISO modify the Redlines in Schedule 24-A to reflect, at a minimum, a ten (10) business day notification period. 



Schedule 24 and 24-A Tariff Changes

  • MSC Item 04c 0230119
  • SUG Item 03 20230131


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