Customer and System Operator Training

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System Operator Training

MISO works with members to develop and implement world-class simulation drills and training exercises. Each year, hundreds of operators participate in MISO-led restoration and reliability drills that are designed to challenge and improve operators’ skills and knowledge. The training also enhances the critical communication skills needed to operate the bulk electric system reliably.  

MISO's technical development program is designed to increase system operators’ confidence and preparedness in handling emergencies and other job-specific scenarios. 

Annual Training

Each year, MISO and South region member operators undergo hurricane preparedness training. During the training, participants review the forecast for the upcoming hurricane season and engage in conversation around roles and responsibilities before, during, and after a hurricane hits. Use of the MISO training simulator fosters teamwork and collaboration through simulated scenarios.  

2025 Drill Dates: April 8 and April 22.

Register in the MISO Learning Center. Follow this link to view sessions. Registration closes two weeks prior to each session.

Each year, MISO provides an opportunity for stakeholders and operators to learn collaboratively about communication procedures during a reportable event.  The drill will also include conversation around MISO and member roles and responsibilities for different stages of a Capacity Emergency during periods of extreme weather and other abnormal circumstances.

2025 Drill Dates: April 9, April 23, May 7 and May 14.   

Register in the MISO Learning Center. Follow this link to view sessions. Registration closes two weeks prior to each session.

Twice a year in the fall, in coordination with member companies, MISO provides a two-day restoration drill using simulation technology.  This drill allows participants to assess system conditions at various stages of restoration. Members and MISO operators will have opportunities to leverage blackstart resources, assess interconnections using the interconnection checklist, and implement appropriate restoration and communication plans based on the design of the drill.

2025 Drill Dates: September 30 - October 1 and October 14-15.

Registration will be available in the MISO Learning Center this summer.

MISO's commitment to operator training includes offering a number of training classes throughout the year for MISO-Member operators. MISO collaborates with members of the OTUG to identify and schedule the training. 

The mission of the OTUG is to identify and advise MISO and its stakeholders on reliability risks and mitigation of risks through development of training activities to ensure reliable operations of the Bulk Electric System (BES). 

2025 Training Classes:

The following courses are now available for registration in the MISO Learning Center. They are available to MISO Members free of charge.

Course Description Vendor Date Type


#PPL Registration Status
Operating During Adverse Weather and Renewable Energy Resources & Impacts to the BES OESNA Mar. 11-12 Virtual In-Person 16 25 Closed
Voltage Control Overview ILT with Simulation HSI Mar. 19 & Sept. 10 Virtual In-Person 4 25


July 30

Systematic Approach to Training Fundamentals HSI June 3-5 In-Person n/a 25 April 8
Effective OJT HSI June 17-18 Virtual In-Person n/a 25 May 6
Integrating Renewable Energy Resources & Adequate Level of Reliability HSI July 30 Virtual In-Person 4 25 June 18
Operating During Adverse Weather and Renewable Energy Resources & Impacts to the BES OESNA Aug. 5-6 Virtual In-Person 16 25 June 24

If you have any questions regarding System Operator Training, please email