Michigan Technical Study Task Force (MTSTF) - June 24, 2024

Meeting Information


Webex Information:

Event Number: 2484 749 1638

Event Password: MT624

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 MISO received an Expedited Project Review (EPR) request from METC on May 24, 2024. The project name is “Sphinx 138 kV Station”. The project indicates that METC will build a new station as a 138 kV four-row breaker-and-a-half configuration to serve a new 255 MVA load. METC will also rebuild 2.5 miles of Gaines – Plaster Creek to DCT 1431 ACSS and install OPGW. Gaines 138 kV station rows 7 and 11 will be expanded. METC wishes to complete this EPR by September 1, 2027  

Meeting Materials