MISO Dashboard

Last Modified - 12/15/2023

Spinning Reserve Selection & Deployment Process Review (fka MSC012) MSC-2020-12

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

The current clearing process for selecting resources to be held for spin service typically does not consider the energy offer costs incurred when these resources are deployed in a Contingency Reserve Deployment (CRD) event. This includes any shutdown costs that a demand resource may have when deployed.  If the resource is committed by MISO, however, the resource owner will be made whole to its production costs when deployed. If not committed by MISO, there is no such guarantee. This process leads to an inefficient clearing of spin resources, whether the resource owner is made whole or not. Alternative approaches should be considered for scheduling spin resources in MISO markets with the lowest total costs, including deployment costs. 

(formerly MSC012)

This issue encompasses 'IR021 - Enhance Economic Selection and Dispatch of Spinning Reserves,' which is now Closed to prevent tracking duplication and confusion.


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