PSC: MTEP Selection of Non-Transmission Alternatives (IR092) (20211012)

Item Expired
Related Entity(s):
Reliable Operations, Transmission Planning

During the October 12, 2021 Planning Subcommittee (PSC) meeting, MISO continued the discussions regarding the Non-Transmission Alternative opportunities for retired generators converted to a synchronous condenser.   Two conceptual examples were provided for feedback consideration.

Stakeholder feedback was requested on:

  1. Non-Transmission Alternatives BPM revisions
  2. What additional examples of application for Non-Transmission Alternative opportunities for retired generator converted to a synchronous condenser exist? What concerns exist for example provided?

Please provide feedback by November 2.

Submitted Feedback

WPPI appreciates the focus of MISO and stakeholders on the important issue of conversion of existing synchronous generators to operation as synchronous condensers that can provide fast-acting dynamic voltage control, inertia and a robust voltage signal.  We see the goal of clarifying rules to facilitate such conversions as an important priority.  Beyond the Attachment Y and MTEP reliability-study processes, we see the need to consider such conversions in the LRTP process, which has the longest view of all of these processes, and we encourage MISO to incorporate consideration of synchronous-condenser conversions into the LRTP study process.

DTE appreciates the opportunity to work with MISO and other stakeholders to shape this very important topic. DTE agrees with the current framework and looks forward to collaborate with MISO  at future PSC  meetings and other forums to contribute to this very valuable effort.  

Transmission Owner Sector MTEP Selection of Non-Transmission Alternatives (IR092) - Planning Subcommittee (PSC) October 12, 2021

November 2, 2021.

As requested by MISO at the October 12, 2021 meeting of the Planning Subcommittee (PSC), the MISO Transmission Owners Sector provides the following feedback on:

  • proposed Non-Transmission Alternatives BPM-020 revisions, and
  • ongoing discussion at the PSC relating to opportunities for retired generators to convert to synchronous condensers.

Proposed BPM-020 language on Non-Transmission Alternatives:

The Owners appreciate that MISO proposes to use the same submission and review processes for transmission and non-transmission alternatives, and that the deadline for submission of all alternatives is fixed at May 31st each year.  However, the Owners reiterate our earlier comments on this topic. In the context of Transmission Alternatives, the timing of the MTEP project review process is a critical element of Transmission Owners overall transmission planning and construction processes,[1] and because of the interrelated planning activities in the process for the upcoming MTEP year, with a deadline of September 15; it is important that all alternatives are received by MISO before the 2nd SPM, which is s scheduled by MISO, and thus including BPM language to ensure this should not create any undue burden on any party.

The Owners also suggest a minor addition to the BPM-020 language posted for review:          Contracted Demand Response or Planned Generator Interconnections

Prior to presenting identified issues to stakeholders at an SPM, MISO will confer with the Transmission Owners to determine which projects have drivers or other constraints that cannot be adequately or feasibly addressed by non-transmission alternatives and will then flag these projects as not compatible with non-transmission alternatives. This information will be posted with SPM 1 materials in the SPM Issue Tracker.

Synchronous Condensers:

The Owners agree that the SSR and MTEP study processes offer opportunities to identify any potential value in converting a retiring or retired generator to a synchronous condenser.  As penetration of intermittent resources increases and additional VAR support is needed, this option should be included as a tool in the toolbox.  However, if there is a need for var support that a retiring or retired generator may be able to provide, in addition to evaluating the potential for it to resolve the identified reliability issue, the potential impacts of installing a synchronous condenser must also be evaluated, including both Steady State and Stability analysis, using the revised parameters for the asset functioning as a synchronous condenser. The need for this evaluation should be considered as part of the Attachment Y evaluation process.

The Owners also note that under current asset classification practices because synchronous condensers are not capable of injecting MWs, like capacitor banks, SVCs, and Statcoms, they are not treated as a Non-Transmission Asset.  Today, a TO can submit a synchronous condenser into MTEP as a solution.


[1] See TO September 2021 Planning Subcommittee “MTEP Project Lifecycle Overview” presentation posted at: (see slides 8- – 11).

Related Materials

Supplemental Stakeholder Feedback

MISO Feedback Response