Hybrid resources operate storage with a generation source as a single plant (e.g. solar + storage). This issue is comprised of specific recommendations from the Energy Storage Task Force (ESTF). The goal is to create rules that easily and fairly allow hybrid resources to participate in the market. This issue is comprised of the following recommendations from the ESTF.
•#5: Market participants may have more ability to judge for themselves when to charge and discharge based on their own forecast of market dynamics.
•#6: MISO does not explicitly capture the optimization of the dispatch of a single hybrid resource when the capability of that resource is in part driven by a forecasted value.
•#8: If participating as a Dispatchable Intermittent Resource (DIR), how to incorporate storage output into MISO 5-minute forecast.
•#9: Allowing option of separate or combined metering; Separate meters or single meter on storage resource and generator resource required?
•#10: Offer curve development for a hybrid is the same as for a standalone intermittent, except that a hybrid has a better performance expectation and maybe forecasting accuracy.
•#12: Clarification of how to specify bid parameters for hybrid resources: Pmax, Pmin, Ramp rate, Startup time, Max Energy Limit, Charge/discharge limits and bids based on State of Charge, Charge/discharge times, Transition time between charging/discharging
•#14: Allowing full participation of hybrid resources in ancillary service markets, including Regulating Reserve, Spinning Reserve, and Supplemental Reserves. Other Reserves may be applicable as well, Short Term Reserves and Ramp Products.
Additional issues from the ESTF are combined into MSC-2020-03 - Enhanced Hybrid Resource Participation Model, which MISO views as dependent on the completion of MSC-002-02.
(Issue number formerly IR086)