Market System Enhancement

The MISO Model Manager project is enabling MISO members to provide modeling data to MISO to maintain accurate power system models that are used by our real-time and market operations. MISO modeling systems required modernization to meet future performance, usability, reliability and security needs. MISO requires members to transition to the new modeling system. This change is part of the larger Market System Enhancement (MSE) program to modernize the MISO Energy & Ancillary Services Market system.

Frequently Asked Project Questions

Phase 1 replaced Extranet Modeling Webtool and Commercial model Attachment B model data submittal processes with MISO Model Manager. The MISO Model Manager is the Siemens Smart Grid Engineering Manager application configured to MISO’s specifications. 

Phase 2 provided internal data integrations to move modeling data efficiently to model data consumers within MISO. Phase 2 does not directly impact MISO members. 

Phase 3 integrates Operating horizon and Planning horizon processes to enable centralized data submission by members to MISO for inclusion in applicable models. This phase will replace the Model On Demand system for the MISO 2026 Series. 

MISO Model Manager will NOT be used to gather MISO energy and ancillary services market data that is submitted via the Market User Interface (MUI). Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) models are a combination of operations and planning information. FTR models will not be made from Model Manager at this time. Planning horizon models are not included in the initial phase of the project. Model On Demand will still be used for Planning model data submittal until the completion of Phase 3 of the project.

MISO Model Manager is an extensible and scalable modeling system that can adapt rapidly to the modeling needs of a changing power grid. Current modeling processes are inefficient, and the cost to expand the model is high. The MISO Model Manager project will standardize and centralize the collection, organization, and distribution of model data into MISO’s reliability, markets and planning functions. 

The project will enable more frequent model updates and allow members to submit data through a single system for multiple MISO processes. It provides cost efficiencies through automation of model build processes and market efficiencies through improved validation of model data within a single source.

MISO Model Manager allows members to submit Network and Commercial model data to MISO with graphical user interface editing, improved data visualization and validation. Model Manager provides members with timely feedback on data quality and completeness. Model change review statuses are available so members know what changes will be included in the models. Advanced modeling capabilities will be available to the MISO Series planning modeling process after the completion of Phase 3. 

Methods and data formats to submit modeling data to MISO will be changing. Model data changes will be submitted via a graphical user interface or Common Information Model (CIM) standards-based XML formatted files. An application programming interface (API) will also be available to enable members to submit data from machine to machine. 

The need to provide network and commercial modeling data to MISO per existing modeling schedules will not change 


  • Single system of record for operations, planning and market model data 

  • Common Information Model (CIM) standardizes data definitions 

  • Front-end data validation and visualization 

  • Process automation with reduced building costs 

  • Ability for more frequent model releases to reduce uncertainty

  • Standardizes data exchange with the EMS and market system that reduces model propagation costs 


  • Eliminates duplicate model data submissions 

  • Graphical interface facilitates review and submission of model updates 

  • Reduces manual data processing 


  • Efficient scaling of models for new market products, Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and renewables 

  • Integrated ratings process 

  • Modeling data source to support members’ model updates 

MISO provides stakeholders updates on the MISO Model Manager at monthly Modeling User Group (MUG) meetings. Training opportunities will also be communicated through this forum. For notifications on meeting and materials, please sign up for the Modeling User Group distribution list under your MISO profile. 

Online training is available in MISO Learning Management System. The instructor-lead training sessions have been recorded and videos are posted on MUG extranet page. See latest Status Updates for future training sessions. 

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MISO Model Manager

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