MISO is requesting Market Participants to review and approve their Auction Revenue Rights (ARR) Entitlements. The review period is now open today, January 27, 2025, and will close on Friday, January 31st, 2025 at 5 PM Eastern Prevailing Time (EPT)
Review of Grandfathered Agreements (GFA Option A and B) and Point-to-Point (PTP) ARR Entitlements:
The review of GFA and PTP(associated with a TSR) ARR Entitlements require your sign off. Please follow the steps below to complete the review:
Review of Network ARR Entitlements:
The Network ARR Entitlements can be downloaded by following the same steps described above. The Network ARR Entitlements review does not require signoff.
Please refer to 2025 ARR Registration workshop (https://cdn.misoenergy.org/2025%20-%202026%20Annual%20ARR%20Registration%20Workshop%20Presentation669674.pdf) for the additional information about the sign off process.
Please note the ARR Entitlement Identifiers for the 2025-26 ARR Allocation are subject to change during the ARR Entitlement review period and immediately following. MISO will notify the Market Participants after addressing all outstanding comments/questions raised during the review period.