MISO promotes three officers and names three additional officers

Executive leadership proudly recognizes their contributions

For Immediate Release

March 24, 2022

Media Contact

Brandon D. Morris

CARMEL, Ind. — The Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) announced several promotions within the organization’s executive management team, effective April 1, 2022.

The following officers will be promoted from vice president to senior vice president:

Jennifer Curran joined MISO in 2004 and serves as the leader in system planning and operations and chief compliance officer. She oversees a broad array of functions in this role, including transmission and resource planning efforts, strategic and business planning for system operations and infrastructure planning, and the organization’s work to comply with state and federal electricity standards. Curran holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Rice University and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University. 

Andre Porter joined MISO in 2016 and serves as general counsel and corporate secretary. He is the organization’s chief legal officer responsible for MISO’s legal strategy, actively engages with stakeholders, and represents MISO before the courts and federal and state regulatory bodies. As corporate secretary, Porter is responsible for maintaining MISO’s governing documents, receiving membership applications, overseeing membership votes, and supporting the board of directors. He holds a Juris Doctor from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and a political science degree from Capital University. He is the chairman of the board of trustees for Capital University.   

Todd Ramey, chief digital officer and a 20-year MISO veteran, is responsible for leading the development and execution of strategic investments designed to meet the needs of MISO’s customers in the future. Earlier in his tenure, Ramey held roles in real-time operations, including day-to-day transmission and generation dispatch, led MISO stakeholder activities related to market design and function, and was instrumental in developing and launching MISO’s energy markets and ancillary services. Ramey earned a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Butler University.

Additionally, the following executive directors will be promoted to officer and vice president:

Dr. Renuka Chatterjee, a 21-year veteran ofMISO, leads system operations. In her role, Chatterjee oversees all aspects of system operations, operational planning, and market operations, including market settlements. Earlier in her tenure, she was instrumental in establishing and implementing MISO’s reliability and market services. She previously held roles in information technology and led MISO’s application services division, where she improved operational excellence through business services integration. Chatterjee is well-noted for her vision on grid operations of the future that defines how the industry needs to transform the control room operations in response to the energy portfolio evolution. She is recognized as an international leader for her contributions to grid operations through CIGRE, a global organization committed to creating and sharing power systems expertise. Chatterjee holds a Doctorate in electrical engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago and a Master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India.

Aubrey Johnson joined MISO in 2017 and leads system planning and competitive transmission. He oversees all aspects of transmission planning to meet MISO’s future system needs. He is responsible for the planning process that yields the annual MISO Transmission Expansion Plan, including reliability and expansion planning, transmission cost allocation, and the competitive transmission developer selection and monitoring process, resource adequacy and resource utilization. Johnson also oversees MISO’s interregional planning efforts. Johnson earned his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Tuskegee University.

Melissa Seymour joined MISO in 2013 and leads the Central region external affairs team. In this role, Seymour works with her customer and regulatory advisors to understand the needs and issues of stakeholders and regulators and assure that their policy, strategic, technical, and administrative issues are addressed, resolved, and communicated both internally and externally. Seymour holds a Bachelor of Science in engineering science and mechanics from the University of Tennessee.

“With MISO’s Board of Directors’ full support, I am proud to recognize these outstanding leaders with well-deserved promotions. They have individually and collectively made exceptional contributions to MISO’s history by sharing their expertise and consistently demonstrating our core values. We are honored to have them on our team,” said John Bear, MISO’s chief executive officer.


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