MISO’s 2023 Value Proposition estimated at nearly $5 billion

Grid operator outlines legacy of benefits across the region

For Immediate Release

March 6, 2024

Media Contact

Brandon D. Morris

CARMEL, Ind. — MISO estimates that it delivered nearly $5 billion in benefits to its operating region in 2023, continuing to build upon its vision to be the most reliable, value-creating regional transmission organization.

“The electric industry is facing extremely complex challenges, and MISO continues to deliver exceptional value to help our members and states achieve their goals,” said MISO’s Chief Executive Officer John Bear. “As we continue to manage the energy transition, regional collaboration is paramount to efficiently maintain reliability.”

The Value Proposition breaks MISO’s business model into recognized categories of benefits and calculates a range of dollar values for each defined category. The annual Value Proposition increased by 20% in 2023 largely based on:

“MISO’s collective, region-wide approach to grid planning and management continues to deliver the greatest benefits to our region,” added Andre Porter, MISO’s senior vice president and Chief Strategy Officer. “Our focus on increasing collaboration to achieve our Reliability Imperative efforts will continue to add value to our members and states that could go unrealized.”

MISO’s Value Proposition analysis identifies and quantifies several value drivers for the region, including more efficient use of existing resources, system management improvements, and a reduced need for additional assets. The annual Value Proposition studies reveal that MISO’s regional approach has delivered cumulative benefits of $45 billion since this calculation was first developed in 2007. Those benefits amount to more than fifteen times MISO's operating costs.

The 2023 Value Proposition report and presentation, including calculations, assumptions, and supporting information, is available on MISO’s website.
