For folks who don’t follow the industry closely, electricity language can feel like you are reading another language. One that requires translation.
It’s something we are working on, and we want to tell you how.
Reading electricity language can feel like gibberish.
“… the difference between DDR, EDR and LMR.”
“ … FERC resource accreditation filing and Direct Loss of Load.”
“MISO’s market construct ...”
But it’s just good ol’ electricity industry speak.
To help translate this “grid speak”, we created a new folder on the “Library” page on our website labeled Fact Sheets. There, we have begun posting a variety of important topics that impact our Reliability Imperative into easy-to-read fact sheets. We’ve done the work of synthesizing these complex topics into at-a-glance documents that are as informative as they are easy to digest.
These fact sheets provide you with an overview of the topic, important background information, the current issues and reforms, and links to additional resources for more information. All with using language that does not always sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher.
We realize that if we fail to speak to you in language you can understand, we fail to communicate. These fact sheets are just one of our many efforts to translate “grid speak” into plain English, or the “language of the living room.”
So far, we have posted three fact sheets: Demand Response in the MISO Region, FERC Resource Accreditation Filing, and MISO Market Participation Overview. We don’t plan on stopping there.
More to come!