In the January 25, 2023, meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), MISO presented proposed BPM-015 language to support Generator Interconnection Process timeline update developed with the Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG). Stakeholders were invited to submit feedback.
Comments are due by February 8, 2023.
HMKY supports the changes made to the Generation Interconnection BPM 15, that incorporates the FERC approved timeline that decreased the time to complete the study from 505 calendar days to 373 days.
Transmission Owners Sector Feedback on Proposed GIP Timeline Updates for BPM-015
February 8, 2023
In the January 25, 2023, meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC), MISO presented proposed BPM-015 language to support Generator Interconnection Process (GIP) timeline update and invited Stakeholders to submit feedback. The comments below are submitted by the Transmission Owners Sector (Owners or TOs).
1. The Owners have general concerns with the lack of detail in the proposed BPM-015 Language. The Owners are concerned that the proposed language lacks sufficient detail regarding the timing of specific activities to provide clarity on the expectations of all parties, which is needed to properly plan for the resources needed to meet the compressed timelines of the revised GIP, further challenged by the size of the queues in upcoming DPP study cycles, which outpace anything experienced before.
Examples where ambiguity is observed by the Owners are provided below but may not include all areas where clarity could be improved, and the Owners request that MISO review the proposed language further with this consideration in mind.
2. The lack of detail in the proposed BPM language creates ambiguity regarding how slippage by one party impacts the overall timing expectations of other parties relying on the output that is delayed. This is of particular concern to the Owners, given the number of deadlines applicable to deliverables that are required by the Transmission Owner, the Owners obligations to meet these deadlines, and MISO’s obligation under Order 845 to report delays and the reasons for them, as the Owners expressed in the process of drafting the associated language approved by FERC in Attachment X.
3. Scheduling the Resources needed to complete these tasks
While GIP timelines can be reduced on paper, study cycles are likely to continue to be delayed. This is a concern of the Owners, and likely Interconnection Customers as well, with regard to resource-scheduling. When a study cycle is delayed, even though the overall timeline for the study stays the same, resource availability may have shifted for those who have planned their resources around the anticipated DPP schedule, making the overall DPP timeline more difficult to accomplish. For example:
Section 5 of the draft BPM language indicates that, “An Overview of the DPP is shown in Figure 5-1”
Similarly, Section 5.1.2 states:
Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.7 of the GIP, at least ninety (90) Calendar Days prior to the scheduled kick-off of DPP Phase I published on the MISO public website as of the application deadline for entry into the next Definitive Planning Phase Cycle, the Interconnection Customer shall submit one of the following to the Transmission Provider:
There is no list of what the IC shall submit; MISO should complete that section.
Section 5.2 – Results of Phase 1 SIS
Section 5.2 states, “the DPP is designed to provide the IC with a preliminary detailed analysis of their IR’s impact on the reliability of the Transmission System.”
The Owners suggest that MISO consider deleting or modifying this statement to better reflect the Results of Phase 1 SIS. While the DPP Phase I SIS will provide the IC with the interconnection facilities that are needed
Sections 5.2 and 5.2.1 – Study Models
The descriptions of the model building and review process in these two sections is unclear and should be updated to provide additional detail.
The language above creates confusion in several areas:
Sections 5.3, 5.4 and 5.4.1 – DPP Phase I and Phase II
These sections reduce the time provided for model review and updating from 10 business days to 6 calendar days and indicate that MISO will move forward if no comments are received. Given that the BPM language does not specify when the models will be provided to the ICs and TOs, and there is also no minimum number of business days included, the language as drafted places all of the timing burden on the TOs and the ICs, with no indication of when the models can be expected to be provided for review.